vlookup issue and multiple selections
I'm using a form to collect headcount changes at locations we manage. I'm using a vlookup to autofill the site managers name based on the site location chosen. However, I've run into an issue when the person filling out the form selects more than one location (selected via drop down multi-select list). If the headcount…
Issues with Automations on Calculated Fields
I have a task tracker for our team that I want to auto-archive tasks 5 days after they are complete. I built a checkbox column that compares the completed date to todays date (using a reference rather than TODAY() formula so the formula works when I'm not in the sheet) and if it's been 5 days it checks the box - which in…
Is there a way for <search-value> in the MATCH function to be ANY non-blank value?
I'd like to be able to search a column to find ANY first non-blank value not just the one corresponding to the first argument in the MATCH function. A wild card basically for <search_value>.
Using INDEX MATCH Function with a Multi-Select drop-down column
Hello, I am trying to use an INDEX MATCH function to fill in the Transmission Region for the Sites Under Consideration, but am running into a problem when there is more than one site selected. I believe I need to add the HAS function, but have tried several ways and can't seem to make it work. Any help is appreciated!
Collect multiple project names in Portfolio Rollup?
Data is collected in this example intake sheet below and the metrics are summarized in another metrics sheet below. The following formula collects the Project ID and gives the count per associated Platform and Status. However, I need to display the Project Name as well as the count on my portfolio dashboard. How can I fix…
How to find the Top 5
I am trying to find the top 5 majors. I created a "helper" column as some have suggested in other posts. This column gave a number for how many people are in school for that major. Now I just need a formula to find the top majors.
Rollup Sheet vs Report Counts Don't Match
Hi there, I have a rollup sheet with a formula to count names based on specific criteria. I need to count items that are not decommissioned, development, stating, test, Linux, numbers 7, 2003, 2008. Unfortunately, the formula does not work. To validate, I created a report filtering the same parameters. The counts between…
How to flag the second largest date in a sheet
I have a sheet that collects responses from a form, specifically collecting status. I pull this data in to a second sheet to be able to show current and previous status on the same line. To do this, I am creating a helper column to flag the second largest date. I know how to find the most recent entry (largest date) using…
How to fix this issue i am getting with Sum and trying to add a qty based on a budget number
I want to sum a number of quantities based on a criteria that checks the budget number to the row in the purchase request sheet that has the same budget number to then add all those quantities up in a cell in the budget so this way Each budget line that is used in a purchase request the qty of how many items purchased is…
How do I check if something is in another sheet (& check a checkbox if it is)?
I have two sheets: a Tracker sheet & Response sheet. My Tracker sheet has a list of all the people that need to be sent a survey to complete, & my Response sheet lists all of their responses to the survey (each person's responses are in a row). Both sheets have columns with emails in them. I was planning on using…