If is blank and not blank formula
Hi i have two columns with Date as column property “Next PoC Date” and “ Target end date” and i need to have an additional column that show me the following: If Next PoC Date is in blank show me “Target end date” If Next Poc Date is not blank, show me “Next PoC date” All these in the same column. (This column will be the…
Complex health status with both gray and blue options
Hi, I am trying to generate a health status formula for my sheet with the following conditions. Ideally I would like to have green, red, yellow, grey, and blue health options but I am not sure if that is possible. If so, my conditions are: Blue: Status column is "Completed" (regardless of start or finish dates) Green:…
Two Levels up PARENT formula
HI THERE! Would like to ask if there is a formula that allow us to access the parent row but always the level 2 hierarchy. Normally, PARENT() solves the inmmediate parent only. Much appreciated.
PTO/Sick Accrual Calculations
I started a new job and a bit overwhelmed. I am new to Smartsheet and a basic user with Excel. I need help with PTO/Sick policy calculations within Smartsheet. I do not know where to begin. Any help is appreciated!
Index Match and Filter?
Hello! I've successfully pulled data from one sheet to another via Index/Match while using an 'IF' statement within the same sheet to filter results using the following formula. =IFERROR(IF([Budget Action Requested]@row = "Initial", (INDEX({Date Specs Completed}, MATCH([Unique ID]@row, {Unique ID}, 0))), "N/A"), "") But…
Formula to calculate fiscal quarter when quarter starts on February
Hello, I'm very new to SmartSheet. I found a discussion from 2020 about doing a calculation for fiscal quarter and including year, but I cannot quite get it right. Our FY starts in February and ends in January of the next year. I'm trying to show the quarter and year as Q1FY24. Here's is the formula based on one created by…
Joining two columns together for rows that match criteria
Hello, I have a sheet with many columns from which I want to pull [Data]2 and [Data]20, in this format: "Data2 (Data20), Data2 (Data20),..." from another sheet. So far we have =IF(ISBLANK([Source1]@row), "", JOIN(COLLECT({Data2}, {Data5}, CONTAINS([Source1]@row, @cell), {Major/Minor}, "Major"), ", ")) And get Data2, Data2,…
Trouble with count and collect function when multiple values are within a cell
Hello, I am trying to count the times that a department is responsible for a task in the month of January from other sheets. I'm having trouble counting when there are multiple values within a cell. It will only count when the "label" is on its own so I'm thinking I need to add in a contains or has function but am having…
I am using the VLOOKUP function, but getting #NOMATCH?
I am using the VLOOKUP function to reference another sheet and pull in data. I have it in another area of my sheet pulling different data from a different sheet and it works fine, but this particular one keeps returning #NOMATCH. The screenshots below show the formula and field to lookup, along with the reference sheet and…
How do I take information from two sheets and auto populate into a third sheet?
I am trying to set up this smart sheet where it has a entity that someone can select from a drop down menu. Once they clicked any entity I had it V lookup from another sheet and it would auto generate the address for that entity from a different sheet into the cell next to it. I figured out how to do this part. I am…