CountIf Date formula compare different date columns
I have 3 date columns: Start Date, Draft Due Date, Final Due Date The date columns are all initially auto-set to the same date; professionals are to subsequently update the Draft and Final due dates to a later date. I would like to count the ones that never get updated, i.e. Draft Due Date = Start Date. By the filters…
Harvey Ball formula with Expiry dates
Hello, I am going crazy, I have been through the community posts and tried to figure out this myself with no success. I want a Red ball to appear if the date in the CV Expiry Date column is less than a week away, or in the past. I want a Yellow ball to appear if the date is in the next 30 days, and Green if it's more than…
Is there a way to count cells that contain dates in Smartsheet, like Excel's COUNTA function?
Multi Select Look up
I'm trying to see if anyone has any ideas of a formula that can been written for the following example. I'm trying to get the contact(mail) in sheet 2 to populate sheet 1(Approval Seq 1 Contact) column. There is 2 criteria (Division and Seq.1) on sheet 1 need to match (Division, Sequence #) on sheet 2 to return the contact…
Hi guys, I have created a sign up sheet where individual participants can sign up to discuss with different groups in three consecutive slots. In order to sign up, they need to enter their full name into a cell. I am using the following formula to determine for which discussion a participant is signed up for in each slot:…
Tips and Tricks for Sheets
This is a general message, I am using Smartsheet for all my work purposes, making calendars and setting notifications, are there any tip and tricks that people have some across that they found useful/quirky/productive? A bit about the calendars: there are 30 or so all individual, each member of the company has control of…
Sum if number is positive
Hi, i have YTD row that calculates the sum of all the month values (numbers) from Jan-Dec (each month has a column named Jan, Feb, March etc). However I want to only include months inthe sum when the month value is greater than zero (i.e. is not a negative number) any help would be super-duper appreciated. thanks!
Using IF(OR(ISDATE function
Hello, I'm trying to compare the date in the white column against the dates in the 3 blue columns (below). If there is a date listed in at least 1 of the 3 blue columns, and one of those date is less than or equal to the date in the white column, then it will return a "Yes". If not, it returns "No". The dates listed in the…
formula work one one sheet but not another
Hello I have a formula =IF(COUNTIF(IndexKey:IndexKey, IndexKey@row > 1), 1, 0) that checks all the indexkeys in the column to see if there are any duplicates. This works perfectly on my tester sheet which is an exact copy of the sheet I want the formula on but for some reason doesn't work on the main sheet and returns 0…
CountIFs and Date range formula
Hi, need help with a formula. I am trying to count a type from one column 'Finding Rating' against a date range in another column 'Last Completed'. So far I have tried the following but they have all come up with UNPARSEABLE. FYI Conformance is one of the types that I need to count =COUNTIFS({Finding Rating}, =Conformance,…