AVGIF Formula Based on Date Range
Hello everyone, I'm trying to get a average of a column if the cells in another column are within 90 days of today. My current formula is =AVERAGEIF([Pick-up Variance]:[Pick-up Variance], [Pick-up Date]@row>TODAY(-90)). I tried using AVG(Collect) as well with no luck. =AVG(COLLECT([Pick-up Variance]:[Pick-up Variance],…
Results and expressing as percentage
In my forms, I have several questions that can result as either PASS, FAIL or N/A. I want to express only the FAIL cells as a percentage over the entire row results. I've been using this formula: =COUNTIF(CellName1@row:CellName2@row, CONTAINS("PASS", @cell)) / 7 The only way I've been able to make this work is by counting…
Set up correct function (IF, CONTAINS)
Hi, community. I need some help) Here is example. I need function that works like that: 1) take text from List 2) compare to Main 3) if text in Main have on of the word from List, return "yes" Thanks all😊
Nested IF Statement with OR and AND functions
Hello, I am trying to create a nested IF statement. The formula is fed by two columns Status and End Date. The formula should return that IF status is one of "Completed" or "Adoption/Sustain" AND the end date column has a date (any date) then return "Yes" if true. I keep getting Unparseable or Circular Reference errors.…
Is TODAY() supported as a Sheet Summary Field?
I am trying to get a sheet summary field on my project plan to count the number of tasks which have fallen behind plan. However I do this, I am using the TODAY() function, either in a sheet column or in the summary field itself. Here is one example of something I tried in the sheet summary field: =COUNTIFS(Status:Status <>…
Find and Highlight duplicates in column
Hi, I'm trying to find a formula to highlight duplicate values in a column in Smartsheet. I think I have tried every formula that I can find online and in this Community, but all come back with #unparseable error. The column "Duplicate" in checkbox type is created and waites to be used. Similar formulas as mentioned below…
Auto-update formulas when pasted into new column
Similar to excel.. it would be great to have variable cell references so that formulas could be copied to a new column. Currently, we have to manually click into the formula to make adjustments so that reference cells are updated. e.g., if I have a formula in column 3 that points to column 2, but need to copy the formula…
Merged: Combining contact columns
This discussion has been merged.
INDEX/Match Error?
Hello, I have the following Equation written out: =INDEX({Brand Manager}, MATCH([Brand Channel]@row, {Brand Channel}), 0) {Brand Manager} and {Brand Channel} are pulling from Sheet A. Brand Channel is a column that is in Sheet A and Sheet B. The equation is written in Sheet B. My expectation of the equation was to pull in…
Formula to return value based on multi options in another cell
Hey SS community, Hoping someone can support on this one. I've been searching and searching and not been able to find the answer as of yet! I'm working on a sheet that contains answers to an assessment. The answers are captured form an external form (ms forms) and added to Smartsheet via Powerautomate. One of the questions…