Modified =SUM(CHILDREN()) Formula needed
Dear All, I am struggling to modify this formula: =SUM(CHILDREN(Points@row)) Working in agile development, my "Points" column contains development points needed to complete a task. Overall I have 4 hierarchy levels: Task, User Story, Epic, Initiative. I would like to display the sum of task points on the User Story line…
Status updating based on Schedule Health
Hi All, I'd like the status of a task to update based on the color of the task health. Blue Health = Complete Green Health = On Track Yellow Health = At Risk Red Health = Late I am not sure the formula I should be using. Thanks!
Max Formula - related question
Hi I have a table for our Product Development Items. In it I track 3 levels of items: Initiative, Epic, User Story. In a separate column I assign Quarters, e.g. Q1'23, Q2'23, or H1'24 or 2025. For the Parent level I would love to be able to identify which of those is the farthest out quarter. Is this possible? Best, Sylvia…
How can I change the priority automatically based on a due date
Hi all, I have multiple rows of materials that need to be released before the due date, I have categorized them in Critical priority, Priority 1, 2, and Regular. Is there a way that smartsheet will automatically change the priority based on the due date entered if my team has not yet addressed the row?
Can I auto-populate a value from the parent row to the children row?
Hi I am building a product planning tool. I will have Initiatives, Epics, and User Stories, each will have a identifier Initiative: e.g. I-123, Epic: e.g. E-123, User Story: e.g. US-123. I would like to create two columns, column 1: auto-populates the Initiative number to all Epics and User Stories below it column 2:…
Dashboard date not updating from source sheet
Hi i have created a Dashboard that had a widget with the date. This changed automatically with the formula =today() from another source sheet. Since last week in dashboard this date stopped to update automatically and still is showing Jan 13, 2023, but the original source is showing today date. Any idea why this is…
Help with sumifs and date field
I have a formula that was correctly returning the sumifs of a column (gross) based on the deposit date in 2022 if in the current calendar month. Beginning this year, it is no longer returning data from this month. Not sure what is wrong. Here is data. Formula =SUMIFS({Gross Commission 1}, {Deposit Date},…
How to set a formula for 3 different values to prevent any duplication
Hello Everyone, I hope all are doing well. I'm facing an issue to find the suitable formula to my case taking into consideration i'm a newbie here in smartsheet and would appreciate your kind support. The formula i'm looking for is targeting 3 main columns : Start Date, End Date & Facilitator. To assure that if a…
Crosssheet Formula
Hello, I am trying to do a cross sheet formula. The formula below is what it looks like in the original sheet and the formula works. Now I want to pull the data from the original sheet into a new sheet and the cross referencing is not working. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Original sheet - works good…
Parent/Child row formula
What would be the formula to use for when you want to update the parent row with child row data? For example, if a subtask under the parent row is marked as 'In Progress,' I'd like for the parent row to be reflected as 'In Progress.' Thank you.