Using IF AND & OR in the same function
I've seen a couple questions involving AND and ORs separately but nothing involving them together with IF. I'm trying to get a checkbox to automatically check if the following criteria match: Self Survey Column is green Workshop Attended Column is checked off Evaluations Column is either "completed" or 5 or above. The…
Parent row to give a percentage when Child rows below are populated
Hello All Can anyone help me with a formula for my parent row below. I need to work out what percentage of days in a week I have booked out for our staff on projects. Currently I do this manually. As the only formula I have found have been for Tick boxes or completed tasks. The jobs are selected from a drop down list and…
Counting range of cells within row
I'm trying to count the amount of times a cell within a row has a specific word: =COUNTIF([Labelling)@row,[Training]@row), "Fail") If Fail shows in any cell I want the function to result a readout of 1. If two cells have Fail, then the result would be 2, etc. Instead of my expected result, I get #UNPARSEABLE in the cell.…
Formula for =text(A1, "000000-0" ?
I am looking for a similar Smartsheet formula that excel has that takes text from a column/cell; say 12345-7, and changes to "0012345-7" - forcing the cell to be in a specific format. Excel uses "=text(A1, "0000000-0")
Combine values from multiple drop-downs into one field
Hi there! I'm looking to combine values from 3 separate columns into a single column. The three primary columns all are enabled to have multiple values per cell. The goal is to combine these three columns into one overall "Subcategory" column. Example: Request Type 1 = Apples, Oranges, and Carrots Request Type 2 = Milk…
Cross sheet reference formula drag to other cells
Hey guys. I have 48 cross-reference links that I need to add to the columns. I would like to drag the formula so that I won't need to change the reference # manually for each of the columns. My formula looks like this =IFERROR(INDEX({ProductionHopper Range 2}, MATCH($[Job #]$@row, {ProductionHopper Range 1}, 0)), "") the…
Formula that Calculates Week Range and Labels Week Number Accordingly
When integrating our billing week system that alternates between billing weeks 1 and 2. Smartsheet should have a formula that allows for the duration to have a range based on weekdays that triggers to automatically label every other week with either week 1 or 2 accordingly. ie. Week Start Date End Date Name Total Hours 1…
Can I Use a Formula in an Automation Date Field
I have sheets that have several automations that key on a particular due date. The due dates change based on the first Monday of each month so they are never the same. I have a sheet for each month of the year. Each year I have to go through each sheet and change all the due dates to match a new due date for that year. I…
Formula - Line Breaks
Does anybody know if this post from 3 years ago has been addressed? https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/new-line-alt-enter-formulas I'm looking to concatenate cells with line breaks. Thanks!
Formula with IF, AND, CONTAINS
I need a formula that generates a different price depending on which options have been selected in two different columns. In one column I'm using the word premium to differentiate between the options (whether or not the text contains "premium" - because there are other options in the dropdown that do not contain…