How can I use an IF statement with INDEX/DISTINCT?
Hello, I am trying to pull distinct information from a different sheet if a box is checked. Here is my formula to pull in the distinct information: =IFERROR(INDEX(DISTINCT({Source Sheet Column_Name}), ID@row), "") Now, I have a checkbox column called AX S2 and I just want the information from the rows that are checked in…
Index Match Row Number Update
Hello, I have an index match formula but when I drag it down, the row number doesn't get updated and just drags the same formula down. Is there a way to drag this down and have the formula update rows? Formula: =INDEX(COLLECT({OSS Test Range 1}, {OSS Test Range 4}, "New"), 1) I'm referring to the number 1 at the end of the…
Flag an item
I am trying to flag a line where the Actual Finish date is blank or the Actual Finish date is past the Estimated Finish date. How would I set that formula up?
Formulas from Forms
Hi there - I have created a form with 4 questions that has dropdown (multi select). In the smartsheet itself, I need formulas for the following: If all boxes are checked then show 0 If only 2 of the 4 boxes are checked then show 10 Please help, thank you!!
How to List New Options From A Multi-Choice Column As a Value In Another Sheet?
Hey Guys, I've been trying to find a solution but I'm stuck. I have a 'master' sheet that has a multi-choice column for countries of operations for some partners. The choices will increase over time as my partners increase their countries of operations. I am trying to create a formula that will use this column as a…
Notifications not working
I created the sheet and set up the automation as below. however, it doenst trigger to send the notification for the current week unless I open the smartsheet. it still send out last time I open the smartsheet How do I make it send out every monday without touching the sheet??
SUMIFS with a date requirement included.
I have a Disbursement tracker, showing Request Status, Date Requested, Amount and Project. I have another sheet, Project Plan showing the summation of Disbursements by Project. I am currently using the formula below to summarize all Amounts that are disbursed. I am using my request status column and including everything…
Formula for Dates Calculation
Hello, I am trying to find out how I can create formulas for the below. Kickoff Date - Number of rows with a kickoff date by month? IE Count of projects in a column with a kickoff date in Jan, Feb, March etc Average days in IMPL - The average number of days for all projects. IE: kickoff day in my sheet vs current day for…
Check a box if
Hi I'm looking for a formula that check a box if information in one column is in another column
Formula to check a box depending on start & end date
Hi all, I have 2 date columns (start date & end date) and 2 checkbox columns (live & concluded). I want to have the checkboxes automatically check and uncheck depending on the dates. For example: I have an event that runs from 12/2 through 12/4. On 12/2 I want the "Live" column checkbox to check and stay checked until the…