Join/Collect? Formula to record text in a row on if a box is checked on sheet one ...
I am trying to put a formula on Sheet 1 in Column 2 that references Sheet 2, column 2 (DBE)( checkbox) - if the box is checked on Sheet 2, The text from Column 1 (Vendor) will all populate with a comma between each on Column 2 on Sheet 1 SHEET 1 SHEET 2 Thank you! I'm stumped on this one!
Date formula previous month for a new year
I'm still getting my head around date formulas, I have one to tell me the start date of the previous month: =IFERROR(DATE(YEAR([Date Column]@row), MONTH([Date Column]@row) - 1, 1), DATE(YEAR([Date Column]@row) + 1, 1, 1)) This worked fine until we changed to a new year, what have I done wrong with this formula?
Send a notification when all rows in a sheet are marked as complete
I'm trying to figure out a way for a notification to be triggered when all rows in a sheet are marked as complete. I've tried to create a new column that would have the first cell with a formula that will Enter a 1 if the count of the Status column with Blue equals the count of items in the primary column. So something…
#Incorrect Argument Set with =COUNTIFS
Hi all, This is baffling me. I have a very simple formula... =COUNTIFS({Epic Name}, [Primary Column]@row, {Current Sprint}, 1). I am using this for a metrics sheet to be used for dashboard reporting. This is working as expected in it's own sheet but when I use the exact same formula in a bigger/consolidated metric sheet,…
How to prevent IF function from removing cell data when false
My team is currently tracking customer services and monthly rate before and after talking with an agent, using a form that I created. I am trying to set up a formula that if we select that there are no changes made to the account it will copy over the data from the incoming fields to the outcoming. I am using this IF…
What Formula to use to Count the number of Unique Dropdown Phrase Utilized
I'm new to Smartsheets and I've been tasked with going over the SWOT data. They are asking me to go over each category of SWOT with the unique data point they captured and tallying how many times that data point is utilized. The Data Point Column is a dropdown list. For example, I am having a hard time counting how many…
Counting items within a cell
Hi team, I am wanting to keep track of why people are exiting the company on a monthly basis. I have the following formula which works perfectly if the exiting employee only selects ONE reason why they are leaving - =COUNTIFS({HR-559 Exit Interview Range 1}, OR(@cell = "Better job"), {HR-559 Exit Interview Range 2},…
#Invalid Ref
I'm trying to reference another sheet and get a count of items that meet multiple criteria. My formula syntax is =COUNTIFS({173000 High School UUU Model Review Items Range 1}, "3-Critical", {Phase}, "CD") Do I need the function HAS? When I've tried inserting HAS, I get UNPARSEABLE. With the syntax I have now, I get…
COUNTIFS Formula to calculate the number of values in a column with multiple values and parent rows
Hello, I'm trying to help a colleague set up a metrics sheet that can help them report on the number of skills they have within their department. There's a sheet of all the people in the department, which has a record of the person, their skills and what they are booked to work on. • Each of the people records are assigned…
Check box formula help!
I am wanting to set up a formula and/or conditional formatting so that when you check one box, it automatically un-checks another. example: two columns side by side. one titled "job started" the other titled "job done." I want it so as soon as you check the box for job done, it removes the check from job started. This…