INDEX MATCH showing #NO MATCH when there is one
I am trying to reference another sheet. The column I am trying to match is the Primary column that has hyperlinks and I am trying to match the display text. Here is my formula =INDEX({Project Intake Sheet Range 1}, MATCH(Links@row, {Project Intake Sheet Range 5}, 0)) Range 1 is the primary column for the display text of…
Index(Collect with multiple criteria
I'm trying to make a formula in a sheet summary that checks if the "duration" column is not blank and then uses all rows that arent blank as a range to then find the row with the newest "created" date and return a value from a different "IndexKey" column. I'm not sure if i need to use an IF staement to limit the range or…
Progression chart
Hi everyone, I have a questionnaire solution that only reports the latest attempt to answer it. It records how we as an organisation are doing against ICO Guidelines. My manager has asked me to create a dashboard that shows progress. So a line chart that will show how the organisation is progressing. My problem is the…
Check if Item is Available based on dates input
This may be an odd one.. Backstory: We are attempting to replace a check in/check out feature we have for our internal associates to reserve items from our Marketing Team for tradeshows or other events. The workflow is; the user would look up an item (I have implemented an item inventory number for a unique identifier)…
Formula to track projects running per quarter
Hi, I have a table with a list of projects (project ID available) and related columns with Start Date and End Date each project (column in date format). I want to be able to create reports and display metrics in the Dashboard showing up how many active projects I have running during a given quarter (considering Start…
COUNTIF date is within 30 days -- not calculating correctly
In the sheet summary, I am trying to count if the date in the date columns falls within the next 30 days. It's working fine for Date 1 column, but not for Date 2 column (or the copy of date 2 I created to verify). This is my formula: =COUNTIF([Date 2]:[Date 2], <=TODAY(30)) It's calculating a number, I am not getting an…
Modified =SUM(CHILDREN()) Formula needed
Dear All, I am struggling to modify this formula: =SUM(CHILDREN(Points@row)) Working in agile development, my "Points" column contains development points needed to complete a task. Overall I have 4 hierarchy levels: Task, User Story, Epic, Initiative. I would like to display the sum of task points on the User Story line…
Status updating based on Schedule Health
Hi All, I'd like the status of a task to update based on the color of the task health. Blue Health = Complete Green Health = On Track Yellow Health = At Risk Red Health = Late I am not sure the formula I should be using. Thanks!
Max Formula - related question
Hi I have a table for our Product Development Items. In it I track 3 levels of items: Initiative, Epic, User Story. In a separate column I assign Quarters, e.g. Q1'23, Q2'23, or H1'24 or 2025. For the Parent level I would love to be able to identify which of those is the farthest out quarter. Is this possible? Best, Sylvia…
How can I change the priority automatically based on a due date
Hi all, I have multiple rows of materials that need to be released before the due date, I have categorized them in Critical priority, Priority 1, 2, and Regular. Is there a way that smartsheet will automatically change the priority based on the due date entered if my team has not yet addressed the row?