FORMULA HELP? max/collect/if
I am trying to get information from another sheetA to sheetB I want to bring the MAX {MVMG} month vs month growth from sheetA to sheetB if the depot column on sheet A {depot} = depot@row sheetB Lack of sleep ... I have tried all sorts of formulas any suggestions welcome and much appreciated 🙏 Please bear in mind new rows…
Nested IF & VLOOKUP for Checkbox
So I'm trying to write a formula to pull a date from Sheet 1 if a checkbox is checked and match it to the same email on Sheet 2 . =IF({Sheet 1 Range 1} = true, VLOOKUP([Column2]@row, {Sheet 1 Range 2}, 3, false), "") Occasionally Smartsheets gives me trouble with pulling information from date columns that I've set to pull…
Formula to Find the Start/End Timeline
Hello SS Community, I'm trying to find a formula to insert in the sheet summary that brings the earliest Quarter and Fiscal Year (FY) and the last/furthest quarter and FY. Thank you in advance.
Complicated IF Formula
Hi, I am looking to do a formula that will let me display the red, yellow, or green symbols depending on the amount of answers are green, yellow, or red. The picture might let me explain better. The left column is Status and the right column is Constant. Only the top 3 Totals will count towards the result. Total NYIOP…
Submit Bottom on Sheet
Hello, I'm trying to figure out a way to give indications to doctors to save the sheet before they exit. The intake sheet can't be a form, as I have images and over 100+ lines. I'm thinking of a visual cell with clickable formula may be. I'm open to suggestions. Thanks,
Only show calendar text (Primary Column) if other column = X
Hi, I’ve got this Primary Column for publication in our calendar: =([Event Title]@row + ", kl. " + Start@row + "-" + End@row + ", " + [Contact Name]@row) I’d like to only show this if dropdown column ”Booking” has the value ”Verified”. If dropdown column "Booking" is anything else, I'd like the Primary Column to be empty.…
Reduce IF formula with OR condition
Hello everybody! Hope you are doing well. I am creating a board for a project that we are about to start and I want the symbol identifiers to be auto-populated based on statuses and blocks/defects. I was able to put together the formula below, which works, but I am sure I can reduce it with an OR condition, but I am not…
Is there a formula where anytime I scan a barcode it subtracts from the Quantity on hand value?
Formula to Extract a Full Name and Title, into Separate Columns "First" "Last" "Title"
I have a long list of full names in the "Full Name" Column. They need to be broken out into 3 separate columns "First Name" "Last Name" and "Title" Example shown in the screen shot below. Is there a formula I can use to extract this for each column? "First Name" I've been using: =MID([Full Name]@row, FIND(" ", [Full…
Using AVG to Calculate Average Completion Time
Good afternoon, I am trying to find the average of a column and am having problems using AVG, AVG COLLECT, etc. I am trying to find the average of "Completion Time" column. As you can see sometimes there is no data and sometimes it says "invalid data" while awaiting the completion date. I want to put an average completion…