Formula to Count Qty from an Order Sheet
Hi I have an order sheet that holds the quantity of an item being ordered. The sheet also shows whether there is enough of the item in stock or not. If the item is in stock I need to minus the qty from the corresponding item on the stock sheet. If the Item is not in stock, once the job is completed, it needs to add the qty…
Index Match function cuts off zeros
Hello all, I am pulling a cell value from a different grid with an Index Match function. The cell value is "89.09740". The value can be pulled succesfully, however, the number is displayed without the zero at the end: "89.0974". Is there anything I can add to the below formula that would make sure no zero is cut off at the…
IF(And/OR) Formula Help
Hello, I have the below formula I am working from and everything works EXCEPT the last part of the formula where we are asking for the health to show as blank if the start date is blank or the status is Not started. Also, we were using If(AND prior to using IF(OR and wondering what the true difference is. If we use "OR" is…
Filter by Parent Row with Children and Grandchildren
Hello! I recently created a sheet to track all of our projects (parent row) with some high level milestones (child row). I created a helper column so that I could filter just by the parent row of each project. In the helper column, I used this formula: =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Feature Request]@row)) <> 0, [Feature Request]@row,…
Count Formula
Hello, I am working on the below formula and I am not sure if it is even possible to combine the two. I am wanting (in the Health column) to count if there are more than three red health subtasks, to show as red, if there are more than 3 yellow, to show as yellow, and anything else to be green. I would also like it to show…
Why isn't this simple formula working?
Hi, I am trying to add 3 columns together in one column. Each of the three columns below are populated by other formulas. All of the formulas below return an #UNPARSEABLE error =COUNT([# OF DETECTNET REQUESTS OPEN (AWAITING DECISION)]@row + [# OF DETECTNET REQUESTS PENDING (CREDIT APPROVED)]@row + [# OF DETECTNET REQUESTS…
How to specify a row has a specific parent in a function
I'm trying to average a collection of rows that fit a certain criteria. So far, I have this formula and I know it works up until Job@row. =AVG(COLLECT({DurationCPT},{CPTQ}, Job@row,{Packaging JobCPT},(PARENT("CMO")="Packaging Summary"))) For the rest of the formula, I am trying to full specific CMO rows that have…
Conditional Formatting Based on another Cell in the Row (Lab Specs)
Hello! I am looking for a way to make the lab result column values red if they are over the value found in the spec column. There are multiple fabrics each with different spec. They are all being tested in the same manner with the results in a singular column. A VLOOKUP pulls in the spec based on fabric chosen in fabric…
Academic Calendar: How to automate dates using days of the week
Hello everyone! I'm trying to get automatically the dates for each lesson, based on the first class (orientation). Days of the week are fixed. Is there a way to calculate all dates for classes and AWs based on the Orientation Date? Thank you very much in advance!
Extract text from cell string using delimiters "/" into separated columns
Hi all, I've been fiddling with this for some time. I need to extract the text between the two / / In this case, it should return "PPA." I've explored a solution using the following post, but I can't seem to achieve success. Any suggestions? Extract text from Cell String using delimiters “|” into separated columns —…