I would like to trigger a workflow based on a store opening date
So for example a new store is opening on 7 October. 30 days in advance the workflow needs to kick-off, based on the Opening date, I would like to write a formula that auto-populates the start date. This will allow me to notify people and a workflow to start. Not sure what formula to us.
Smartsheet Summary Counting Assigned to with multiple people in the field.
I have the sheet below and I want to count for each person how may items are pending their approval. The formulas I have tried only find where it is only one person in the column. Where there are two people in the column it ignores the column. I have tried =COUNTIFS([Pending Approval From]:[Pending Approval From],…
Create Formula in Sheet Summary field to pull only Month from another Sheet Summary Date Field
I have a date field for projected go live date for projects in my Sheet Summary. I would like to add another field with a formula that will display only the Month Name in another field so that when I run the Sheet Summary report I can summarize projects going live by month. I would appreciate any guidance!! Thank you!
How to number the duplicate by Sequence or Order?
Hello there! I need help on finding duplicate values to my table and then put them in sequence or Order. Thanks in advance.
How to Get "Responsible Email"
Hello @Everyone, I'm new here in the community, hoping to get support from someone who have work on the same use case I have below. Use Case: I have 2 tables, 1st table (Stakeholder Database) with column names Name and Email. 2nd table, (Sender Tool), with column names Responsible Name and Responsible Email. I want to seek…
If statement based on values in two different cells
Hello - I have 3 cells in my sheet, "Assigned To" "Date Completed" "Status" I need a formula that says if "Assigned To" is any text, then then "Status" would = "Assigned", and once someone puts a date in "Date Completed", then the status would change to "Complete". Any help is appreciated!
Filters and Formulas
Hi Smartsheet, can you please consider adding a click box that reads "Convert to Sheet Summary" in your filters so that we don't have to recreate a formula as a filter to generate a report. In addition to "Include parent row" a click box that reads "Generate a Summary Formula" would be nice. BTW your AI is super nice.…
Lead Time calculation
Hi I am trying to create a lead time calculation to see when a request for work was submitted vs what the due date is. Purpose to report on lead time to promote better planning. I had this working when I had a request date in my form. However I subsequently changed that field to a "created date" system field to auto…
How to use IF statement formula
Hi Smartsheet Community, I currently need help in generating a formula where in I have multiple countries in a dropdown column and I need to identify which region they are from. Ex: A form collects data from users and they input their country. In the back end (grid), I need to collate all entries per region. So Country…
Formulas to set up KPI's for shipments requests
Hi, I need some help with forumals which is not my strength, thanks in advance. What I need is to set up KPI’s measure for my shipments. There are 3 parties involved that need to complete their own step. Once each step is completed by each party (regulatory, WHS and Logistics). it will record a date highlighted in the…