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Create Formula in Sheet Summary field to pull only Month from another Sheet Summary Date Field

I have a date field for projected go live date for projects in my Sheet Summary.

I would like to add another field with a formula that will display only the Month Name in another field so that when I run the Sheet Summary report I can summarize projects going live by month.

I would appreciate any guidance!! Thank you!


  • Overachievers

    Hi @MariaG

    This should do the trick

    =IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 1, "Jan", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 2, "Feb", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 3, "Mar", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 4, "Apr", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 5, "May", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 6, "Jun", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 7, "Jul", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 8, "Aug", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 9, "Sep", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 10, "Oct", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 11, "Nov", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 12, "Dec", "Error"))))))))))))

    You can extend the month names as required.

    Hope that helps

    Paul McGuinness
    Central Operations Manager at Care UK

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  • ✭✭✭

    This worked perfectly!!! Thank you so much @Paul McGuinness!!!!

    Since you proved to be very good at this, may I ask one add on to that formula? If there is no date in the Projected Completion Date field, is there a way to have the Implementation Month field display "Undecided"?

    Again, I really really appreciate your help on this!! (And so did my CEO!)


  • Overachievers

    Hi @MariaG

    Thats fine, if we add another IF using ISBLANK at the front of the formula we can achieve that.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Projected completion date]#), "Undecided", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 1, "Jan", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 2, "Feb", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 3, "Mar", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 4, "Apr", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 5, "May", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 6, "Jun", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 7, "Jul", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 8, "Aug", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 9, "Sep", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 10, "Oct", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 11, "Nov", IF(MONTH([Projected completion date]#) = 12, "Dec", "Error")))))))))))))

    Hope that helps

    Paul McGuinness
    Central Operations Manager at Care UK

    If you found this comment useful, please let me know by clicking one of the buttons below: Awesome, Insightful, Upvote, or Accepted Answer. Your feedback will assist others looking for the same information and also help me out.

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