How to Get "Responsible Email"

edited 09/03/24 in Formulas and Functions

Hello @Everyone,

I'm new here in the community, hoping to get support from someone who have work on the same use case I have below.

Use Case:

I have 2 tables, 1st table (Stakeholder Database) with column names Name and Email. 2nd table, (Sender Tool), with column names Responsible Name and Responsible Email. I want to seek support only on how I can show/get the value I wanted to return when I input 2 names under Responsible Name. I tried JOIN, INDEX and MACTH formula option, when I input 2 names at Responsible Name, it will return NO MATCH result. But if 1 name only it will return correct value.


  1. When I input 2 names under (Responsible Name) it should return 2 email as well separated by semi colon.



  • Heather_Verde
    Heather_Verde ✭✭✭✭✭

    So currently there is no way to pull in multiple contacts using formulas without incorporating a second method because Smartsheet will not read the data from the formula as contacts. This thread here gives details on how to use Smartsheet add-ons (Datamesh, Bridge, Datashuttle).

    If you don't have access to any of these, then you may look into using a API connection and trying something similar to the Bridge instructions with your tool of choice. I have not tried any except the Datamesh method, and that worked for me.

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