Random Number
How is it possible that there isn't a RANDOM() function in Smartsheets to generate a random number of a specified number of digits!? Am I just missing something? Anyone have any clever workaround? Just need a random number to start with that I can do further manipulation with...
Hi everyone. I have a formula for which i have multiple criterion. The issue I am having is for one of the columns, I want it to be counted if it contains "x" or "y" or "z". I cant figure out how to phrase it appropriately and make it work. Here is my stab at it (but it doesn't work). =COUNTIFS({New Disposition Tracker(All…
"Week Starting" date from created date
Hello Formula Gurus! Do any of you have a formula that will return the "week starting" date based on a created date? So evaluate the created date of a row and bring back the date of Monday that week. Thanks much, Andrea
Nested =IF() Issue - Logical statements are being interpreted wrong(?)
I'm having an issue with the Logical Statements when using nested =IF() statements. Essentially, it's not following the Logical Statements correctly. Here is an example of a formula that is failing: =IF([Surplus]@row = [Deficit]@row, "No Variance", IF([Surplus]@row > [Deficit]@row, (([Surplus]@row - [Deficit]@row) +"…
Merged: Editable column formulas
This discussion has been merged.
Change date format
Hello! How do I change the way a date is displayed? I need to change dates displayed as ""yyyy-mm-dd" to "yyyymmdd" for a report. Thank you!
Next Expense Date Formula
I need to create a formula that will find the next expense date based off 3 other column categories. The columns and their categories are as follows: Due Date (single date when expense is due), Program ( Men, Women), and Budget Impact (Income, Expense). For this formula I need to find and return the next expense date from…
Merged: Formula's to have a user input result
This discussion has been merged.
Linked Source Sheet Not Automatically Updating
Hello, I am working on creating a sheet that utilized data from a master sheet via links. I am struggling because the new sheet is not automatically updating when new info is added from the master sheet which essentially makes it useless. Is there a way around this? For what I am trying to create, I need the full…
How can I capture the date and time of specific column changes?
I have created a workflow that goes through three different departments. I want to capture the date and time of a request (row) coming in, and the date and time of the next action and each action after that for cycle time purposes. Currently, I can track cycle time for dates but some actions need to be carried out within…