Create master list sheet for multiple individual sheets and count the data from individual sheets
Hi there I have a question to how to automatically link the count formula from one master list to individual sheet. Below is my workflow. I have created multiple individual sheets for each of my program to track the program status, (Pink Heading) Sheet 1 - Program 123, Sheet 2 - Program 124 … Then, I created a (Blue…
Help with Health color formula
I need help with my Health column formulas. I cannot figure out why it's not working. What am I missing? Available health options: Red, Yellow, Green, Gray Health formula: =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN()) > 0, IF(COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), "Red") > 0, "Red", IF(COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), "Yellow") > 0, "Yellow", "Green")), IF(AND(ISBLANK([End…
Formula keeps giving back #UNPARSEABLE
My below formula keeps giving me an error and I can't see to find the problem. It also seems to not be recognizing the column references when the names match exactly. =COUNTIFS([Project Start Date]:[Project Start Date], >=DATE(2023, 1, 1), [Project Status]:[Project Status], OR(@cell = "green", @cell = "yellow" ), [PD…
Help with COUNTIFS and NOT CONTAINS formula
Hello, I have looked for this all over the smartsheet community, and while there are some responses, I still cannot get this formula to work. I need assistance with the following: I am looking for a count if of all "low" priority from one column on a referenced sheet that are not "complete" in a different column on that…
Automating the Documentation of Historical Values without Workflows
Problem: How to automatically document historical values without using the automation workflow. I have a two-line graph of which one line (let's color it black) represents desired results within a date range. This date range ends in the future. The second line (let's color it red) represents actual results within the same…
Is a cell value driven cross sheet formula possible?
Our projects have a subfolder with any number of sheets that all have the same data layout. We need a summary sheet that fetches a status value from each child sheet, but i can't figure out how to do it in a way that wouldn't take 90 hours of tedious work - that would need to be repeated forever and ever In excel i'd use…
How to automatically update text every week?
Hello, So I have two columns: "Date Week Ending" that lists the last Saturday of each week and "Reference" that lists an X value. I want to have the X value appear for the PREVIOUS week ending date when my current week starts. For example, if today is 9/9 then I want the "X" value to appear for the week ending date of 9/7.…
Number of duplicates
Hello, I'm brand new to Smartsheets. Is there a way to find the number of duplicates in a column for a specific value? For example, how many "John Smiths" are in a list of names? Many thanks, Pltrmgrl
Time and Date Calculation
Back to SLA calculations, this calculation worked in the previous wave of Hypercare, but for some reason isn't doing so now. Background: We calculate SLA based on Priority Critical=4, High=8, Medium=24, Low=48. Actual SLA tracks how long a Ticket remains open. I know I am missing something. =IF([Tracking Status]@row =…
Moving Comments Between Sheets
I am looking to find a method to copy select columns in a row along with the row comments from one sheet to another. Methods that I have tried and will not work in this scenario: Copying the entire row from Sheet A to Sheet B (This brings over all columns and I am only looking to copy over select columns) Using helper…