Is a cell value driven cross sheet formula possible?

edited 09/06/24 in Formulas and Functions

Our projects have a subfolder with any number of sheets that all have the same data layout.

We need a summary sheet that fetches a status value from each child sheet, but i can't figure out how to do it in a way that wouldn't take 90 hours of tedious work - that would need to be repeated forever and ever

In excel i'd use INDIRECT and be done with this. A column called "child sheet name" and a lookup column using INDIRECT to construct the cell references to the other sheets based on the adjacent sheet name string.

It would be semi manual - but building a list of sheet names isn't a problem - they are room names from the job site, which come from a table that already exists.

Is there a way to construct such dynamic cross sheet references?

Many thanks!

(PS: I have spent many hours searching. Web results are bonkers when using keywords "smartsheet indirect"; a mix of other people with my same problem getting no help, and references to premium S add-ons that have no pricing, no explanations of what they do, and no conclusive evidence that they solve the problem. I'm hoping for better luck with a fresh question! :)


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