Help with COUNTIFS and NOT CONTAINS formula


I have looked for this all over the smartsheet community, and while there are some responses, I still cannot get this formula to work. I need assistance with the following:

I am looking for a count if of all "low" priority from one column on a referenced sheet that are not "complete" in a different column on that same referenced sheet. I have tried the NOT(CONTAINS as well as the <>. I have tried multiple options from the different threads and cannot resolve this.

=COUNTIFS({BusOps Activity Tracker Range 2}, "low", [{BusOps Activity Tracker Range 3}, <>, "Complete",])

Thank you for the help.


Best Answer

  • Katy H
    Katy H ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Assuming the column just says "Complete" or something else, rather than has a string of text that includes the word complete, try this.

    =COUNTIFS({BusOps Activity Tracker Range 2}, "Low", {BusOps Activity Tracker Range 3}, NOT(@cell = "Complete"))

    Katy Hall

    Head of Product Management

    ILLA Canna



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