How can I see a dashboard of all my projects - from Home Page?
Is there dashboard view for all my projects? Something that launches as Home Page?
Can I build a resource pool to choose from for multiple projects?
Is there a way to build a data base of human resources (assigned to) that I could choose from when working within multiple projects? Is there a way to indicated allocation % of that resource so I can understand if certain resources are being over-allocated or under-allocated?
Row Level reminders (over allocation)
Does anybody have experience with a report showing over allocated persons in a project? What I mean is when person A works in project X on day 1,2,3 and 4. And the same person A is working in project Y on day 2 and 4. In this situation person A is over allocated on two days: day 2 and 4. How to get this nicely reported in…
Unicode Text Symbols are extremely useful
Please send me an email if you would like to be added to the workspace. kriswalsh@gmail.com I love Smartsheet's native symbols and use them all the time. That being said, there are times when I wish I had more options or flexibility with them. I am sharing the following with the hope that: 1. Someone finds it useful. 2.…
suggestion for notification system in the alert system
Dear smartsheet devoloper , I have a ssugesstion to add customize columns at the notification and reminder in the alert system . Thanks
Can I customize a Web Form to look like a monthly calendar
We are newer to Smartsheet and still learning some of the features. Each month we ask our Home Care Caregivers to submit their Monthly unavailability, dates and time of day that we cannot put them on the schedule. We currently have 12 unique PDF forms - for each month - that have to be created once a year then emailed and…
How can I put a drop down menu that dynamically updates or adds another field?
How can I put a drop down menu that dynamically updates or adds another field? I am a Project Manager. In my Web Form I created a Project Name field that has a drop down list of current projects to choose from. After I select a project, I want another field to appear underneath it to give the end user another option to…
Workspaces and iPads
Hello I have been using Smartsheet corporately for over a year now, and am very impressed with it's functionality. However, there is one tiny thing that puzzles me (and it is probably a setting that I need to activate) ... Is it possible to see the contents of a Workspace when using an iPad? I can view Worksheets (and…
Enhancement Request: Choosing which task to display on Agenda
Hi, A great way to improve your existing features regarding Sync with Google Agenda (or even the regular Agenda view) would be to allow the user to check or uncheck the tasks he wants to be synced, and the ones he doesn't. I use a lot of titles or categories for my tasks and subtasks but most of the time they are…
Duration is not calculating correctly when using hours duration
Some parent rows have 0 days as the summationof the assocaited child rows and and some have arbitrary number of days. Since it is in a rollup value from child rows I cannot change. Any suggestions?