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Workspaces and iPads

Gavin Hookway
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I have been using Smartsheet corporately for over a year now, and am very impressed with it's functionality. However, there is one tiny thing that puzzles me (and it is probably a setting that I need to activate) ... Is it possible to see the contents of a Workspace when using an iPad? I can view Worksheets (and attachments) with no problem, but Workspace attachments ... nothing.

Probably the operator not the system - but it would be nice to know either way.


Thank you




  • John@SAB
    edited 01/06/16

    There isnt a view to show all attachments located in the workspace, you will need to open the sheets that contain the attachments to view them. 


    If you have workspace level attachments (not associated with a sheet) they cannot be accessed on the mobile app.

  • Gavin Hookway

    Thanks - that is what I thought and I am glad that my question is answered.

    Shame that workspace level attachments not associated with a sheet are 'blind' on the mobile app. For the application that we are using workspaces for - that functionality would be totally invaluable.

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