Archived 2015 Posts

Archived 2015 Posts

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Enhancement Request: Choosing which task to display on Agenda

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts


A great way to improve your existing features regarding Sync with Google Agenda (or even the regular Agenda view) would be to allow the user to check or uncheck the tasks he wants to be synced, and the ones he doesn't.

I use a lot of titles or categories for my tasks and subtasks but most of the time they are irrelevant to a calendar view. I don't want to see a task named "Marketing 2015" on my agenda, but I do want to see all the subtasks like "Designing new packagings" for example.

I tried to delete the tasks I didn't want to see on Google Agenda manually. But it will keep syncing them over and over.

This feature means a lot to me but it's not usable for now.

The best way would be to add a "Display on Agenda" option in every task's properties. It could be checked by default but could allow the user to uncheck it and solve the problem. Another way would be to have a "Display bottoms rows only" on the Agenda's parameters instead of only hidding the top ones.

Thank you.


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