Date Formats in automated emails
We need to have the ability to choose Australian date formats for the automated emails alerts. Only having the US date format causes confusion to Australian users.
Generate Documents in Word
We have sent out over 2,000 letters this year using the generate document feature and we have loved being able to generate these in Smartsheet. But, in those situations where a counterparty pushed back on the language we had to then go and draft the letter in Microsoft Word. I learned at Engage there is a workaround, but…
Resource Management Schedule Zoom
Resource Management used to have the ability to zoom in and out in day view to show less days of the week. Smartsheet recently released an update that removed this feature and now you are forced to see a full 9 day period which is extrememly frustrating. It would be super helpful if smartsheet could add back that ability…
Data Table clean up
There is currently not a way to clean up data tables efficiently, only continue adding data to them. Would be good to be able to run some type of clean up on the table to remove data that is no longer needed. This would also help free up server space.
Remove Character Title Limits
There is a need to add more than 50 characters to a sheet title. This restriction should be removed to align with industry standard filename strategies. Unless the applicaiton is 32bit, there should be no reason to limit the titles of sheets. Due to this limitation, I have to abbeviate business terminology for all…
Resource Manager Advanced Report Field export selections
It would be nice to have the ability to select which fields we want to have exported to SS automatically vs. ALL of them. With the 500K size limit on sheet sizes and 68 columns of data getting saved automatically from the RM Advanced Reporting, we will be hitting size limits. Of the 68 columns of data, we may really only…
Merged: Field Customization for Resource Management Analytics Advanced Reports
This discussion has been merged.
Duplicate/repeat column settings
Hi! I tried looking for this question in various ways in the community group, as it seems fairly basic. However, I'm just not finding any keywords that are leading me to the same aspect I'm trying to figure out. Currently, I'm having to create multiple columns that are exactly the same setup - or close enough. I'd love to…
Desktop app - clicking on link to open a new tab
Love the new desktop app, but when clicking on a link, it would be amazing if it would open a new tab by default. Or at the very least allow a CTRL+click or right click option to open a link in a new tab within the app. I use that all the time in a browser.
Merged: Ability to open links into New Tabs on the Smartsheet Desktop App
This discussion has been merged.