Use browser find with Ctrl-F as default.
Is there a way to set the default behavior of typing Ctrl-F to use the Browser search function? I am already aware of both Ctrl-F and Ctrl-Shift-F behavior in smartsheet. I simply prefer using Chrome's built in search. It's faster and had nice obvious highlighting. I can work around by clicking the three dots and clicking…
Build Report for Group of Users
We have a number of User Groups.. some users overlap groups, as many of us wear a few hats. I'd like to build reports that run through the "ZZZ Workgroup" and look for lines that are assigned to anyone in "Group AAA." Perhaps also reports that pertain to "Group BBB" and "Group CCC" Yes, I could select each person in the…
How do I find a smartsheet expert for hire to help build out our workspace?
I am building out a new workspace for some large marketing intergration projects. I am way over my head with smartsheets, but I have used it to complete amazing M&A sheets. I want to start intetegrating smartsheets into the operating side instead of just the due diligience side of the business.
Generate list of recently updated sheets
I would like to have a quick readout of the five or ten most recently updated sheets from WorkspaceA or WorkspaceA --> Folder5 I can build a report that grabs all of the sheet rows by updated in the last 30 or 60 or 3000 days, but how can you get a list like: * FinanceSheetXYZ updated Yesterday by John Smith *…
The "New Smartsheet Navigation Experience" is Great! TY!
The New Smartsheet Navigation Experience is GREAT! The #1 feature I'm excited about is Browser Tabs and Direct Links. Being able to copy the URL straight from the browser. I spent a LOT of time as a champion and mentor explaining how to get the URL to share a specific sheet. I really believe this will enhance the new user…
Status Change if Column Checked
Hi everyone, I need some help with a formula that just doesn't want to work for me. Currently my status column changes according to the {Proof Approval - Kim} column. It works fine (formula shown below) Now I want to add on to this formula so, if the column {Out For Approval} is checked, I want the status to change from…
Help with SUMIFS & INDEX/MATCH Formulas
I need to first find the column number where the number 1 resides on the "Lookup Value -->" row. Next, I need to shift two columns to the right, which would be "4/2019 C" and sum the values for Client B, I have tried various combinations of SUMIFS, INDEX(MATCH()), etc.,but with my last attempt, I received #INVALID VALUE…
Auto Number Formatting
Hello everyone:) I currently have a sheet populated via a web form. There are several people assigned to tasks. My goal is to have an auto number column to populate a prefix & suffix, based off the person assigned & their corresponding ticket number. I don't know if this is even possible. Lets say I'm assigned a task, the…
Problem with search bar
I type text in search bar, but the search function doesn't pull the information, even though its in a sheet. I have cleared any/all filters. Not sure why it won't pull the information. It's clearly in the sheets. I screenshot information in one of the sheets in question. I also showed the search results not pulling the…
Salesforce ServiceCloud Users/Connections
Hi Smartsheet Community, We're thinking of some use cases for helping Smartsheet users utilize Salesforce ServiceCloud data more effectively and efficiently. Any Salesforce ServiceCloud users out there who would be willing to chat with us and give us feedback on our use cases? Even if you don't use ServiceCloud but know…