Design Error for Resources Allocation - Percentage vs hours/days/weeks
Edit - I may have been a bit harsh calling this a design error, I do see cases it would be easier choosing percentages for resource allocation instead of hours/days/weeks - but making the latter an option would be an amazing improvement. The current design seems relevant for a projectized organization with dependables and…
Fill formula's with Zapier
Hi all, At my job, we have been using SmartSheet for a while to manage our service projects. I am now starting to use Zapier to automatically create a new line for a project in SmartSheet once an upportunity is accepted in our CRM system. However, the autofill formula functionality does not seem to work whan creating a new…
I have an extensive project plan with 250 sub-tasks, which is maintained separately for every client. As 95% of the task list for every client rollout, and the time allocated to every task remains the same; is it possible to automate this process i.e. I simply enter a start date for the project, and each and every task in…
Outlook Add In not working
I do not recall a Windows update occurring last week, however, this morning when I went to use the Outlook add-in, it is suddenly not working. Non-descriptive message: "Whoops! Our bad, something unexpected happened..." Anyone else running into this all of a sudden, or at some time in the past?
Auto-Increment Change Orders
I have a column [Entry Type] which contains (Task, Change, Other). I use a web form to allow others to enter change orders. I would like to automate naming these change orders as Change Order 1, Change Order 2, Change Order 3, etc. I can use =COUNTIF([Entry Type]:[Entry Type],"Change") to obtain the number of change orders…
limitation on visible characters per cell (110 characters)
Hello Smartsheet Community, There seems to be from my tests, a limitation on the number of visible characters per cell. I added about 200+ characters and only 110 are visibile. Even if I expand the cell and activate the "wrap text" function, same results. Is this hardcoded? thank you
Does Smartsheet keep previous versions of spreadsheets?
I am wondering if smartsheet keeps previous versions of spreadsheets on the off chance of the sheet being completely deleted?
Smartsheet Error: formName: ajax fa_loadContainer serverStatus: false serverStatusText: CriticalExce
What is the cause of this error? How can we prevent this from happening again? Is there anyone experiencing the same error? formName: ajax formAction: fa_loadContainer serverStatus: false serverStatusText: CriticalException errorCode: 6
Formatting data in lower right corner
Hi, I have a very simple suggestion: Smartsheet should format the count, sum, and average in the lower right hand corner (when multiple cells of data are selected, see scn shot). It is very difficult to tell the sum of a large number without commas. Thank you, Max
Duration in a summary task show "hours" instead of "days"
I have a series of sub-tasks in minutes and hours but then the summary task shows the duration in days. It is frustrating to not be able to change that, is it possible or could that ability be added to change the duration display in summary tasks? Thank you, - Blake Chesley