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Does Smartsheet keep previous versions of spreadsheets?

kevin98189 ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I am wondering if smartsheet keeps previous versions of spreadsheets on the off chance of the sheet being completely deleted?


  • Hello,

    If you've hit the x in the sheet tab at the top, the sheet may still be in your Home tab. Click the Home tab in the upper-left and locate the sheet, or press Shift+Ctrl+F (Shift+Cmd+F on Mac) and search for the sheet by name.

    Otherwise, have the sheet owner check the deleted items section (Home > More > Deleted Items) in their Smartsheet account.

    They can right-click and select undelete to recover a sheet that has been deleted.

    If the above doesn't work, please contact our Support team—although they can't make any guarantees, they may be able to track it down.

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