Smartsheet API - Post
Hello Team, I am using Postman to write an API to POST data into Smartsheet. I am looking for examples of a script, which uses the POST method to update specific columns in Smartsheet. Many Thanks.
How can I log a timestamp of a cell change?
I want to add an automation rule to write a timestamp of when a cell value changes, I know I can use the "record a date" automation to get the date but is there any way I can get the exact timestamp similar to the "created at" field in form responses? I am also looking into a way to implement it using the API and there…
Get multiple pages of data in Bridge
Hi all I just wanted to pass along a pro-tip that I got from the Technical Engineering group at ENGAGE 23. If you need to deal with paged data in Bridge, it's not immediately obvious how to do that. At least not to me :-) So I asked. For example, if you do a List Sheets in Bridge, you may get some of the data back on page…
/reports api response should have createdAt and modifiedAt fields like /sheets call
/reports api response should have createdAt and modifiedAt fields like /sheets call Hi, As of now createdAt and modifiedAt date fields are present in /sheets and /sights how ever these 2 fields are not present in /reports call. https://smartsheet.redoc.ly/tag/reports documentation says that these 2 fields should be part of…
API needed to see deleted/sheets/sights/reports for any specific user
Hi, This request is related with case#06467692. There is no api as of now that returns the details of deleted smart sheet objects hence API needed to see deleted/sheets/sights/reports for any specific user. please implement and let us know.
API Rate Limit Errors - For the large organizations there should be a way to increase API Rate limit
Hi, This request is related with case#6467720. API Rate Limit Errors - For the large organizations there should be a way to increase API Rate limit as we extensively use multiple Smart sheet APIs to prepare multiple reports and rate limit errors are common. Please let us know how it can be increased for specific set of…
Bridge-Insert Hyperlink
Using Bridge, how can I set up a workflow to pull a URL from one cell, and add it as a formatted hyperlink to another? I've tried searching through modules and the API documentation, but I'm very much a beginner and not quite sure what to look for. Example:
Allow Smartsheet webhooks to specify scope
Even though there is clearly some intended future functionality for Smartsheet webhooks to only subscribe to certain updates (a row or a cell for example) currently only a scope of sheet and every type of event is supported. This means that developers using Smartsheet webhooks have to trawl through often large amounts of…
Specifying multiple row locations when using update_rows() API
It would be super helpful (significantly reduce API calls and transactions if we could update multiple row locations when we update rows. Sending indented rows is helpful. However it becomes very time consuming when each indentation is a separate API call.
Bulk update of parent ID (Python API)
I'm building a project schedule that represents an overall manufacturing production plan. The the resulting Smartsheet has roughly 7,000 rows. I've found a way to use bulk API calls for all but setting the parent IDs, which is now taking upwards of 20 minutes. Here's the basic flow: -- Create production schedule in memory…