Free Smartsheet Webinar Series by DigitalRadius
I wanted to share an exciting resource that I think a lot of you will find valuable! Our Customer Success team here at DigitalRadius is hosting a Free Smartsheet Webinar Series now through the end of the year, designed to help you unlock the full potential of the Smartsheet platform. It starts tomorrow! Here’s what’s…
Automate sending a form
I would like to send out a form to a list of people on a specific schedule (weekly), so that they fill it in, and I collect the responses and report on the information. Can I use the Automation feature for this, or is this something that can be configured in the Form? How do I set up the automation feature to send the form…
Gmail to smartsheets connection
I'd like to have smartsheets automation to send an email, but it should not look like its sending from smartsheets. Currently, there will be a smartsheets header in the email, but since I'm sending it to people outside my organization, it would be unprofessional to do so.
Multiple Automated Workflows Triggering for same item
Hi! I have helped design a Smartsheet that we are using to track requests. There are three scenarios that we need to capture, and each scenario has a slightly different workflow because certain approvals are or are not required along the way. I am running into an issue when the request is declined, all of my workflows are…
Automation - While copying/Moving Source Sheet to Target Sheet, how to update columns in Target shee
I have following questions related to workflow automation Is it possible, based on certain conditions in Sheet-A copy Sheet-A to Sheet-B and manipulate another column in Sheet-B (This Column is not in Sheet-A) through a function? Based on certain conditions in Sheet-A, will it be possible to delete a row in Sheet-B?
"Record a Date" Automation to a Cell in a Hidden Column
I have lots of sheets for a reviewing process - each item to review has a new sheet from a template. Each sheet has about 30 rows and a summary sheet. I have an automation that does the following: When "status" cell changes, request an approval. (This is calculated in a summary sheet and written to a cell.) Approval comes…
Hi! Is there a way to customize the email message on a combined (7+emails) automation email?
Currently, the email message when the seven email notifications are combined into one email reads - 'Please update my online sheet.'. I would like to include two field values to this message in order to better inform the receiver on the request. Is this possible to do? Please let me know if I need to elaborate further and…
Perpetual Contract Renewal Formula
Hello All! I am trying to create a formula that will automatically update the end date to a contract based on a renewal timeframe. For example, Contract Start date 12.31.19, Contract end date 12.31.20 at the end of the contract, the contract will renew for 1 year perpetually on the same date. Right now we are at 11.8.24,…
Automate Weekly Copy/Paste of Hierarchy
I have a weekly tracking sheet that I update each week by doing the following: 1) Copy/Paste the current week's hierarchy (lines 546-561 in screenshot) to the last row of the sheet, 2) Update the week column, and 3) Clear some of the data for the new week. While this doesn't take a long time for one sheet, I do a similar…
How do I embed an image in an automated notification
Hi all. Any guidance is much appreciated. We send an automated Request an approval notification once a row is added to our sheet. Our customers are not Smartsheet licensed users or connected users, and we do not want them interacting with our sheet. We would like to include an image, the same image for each request, in the…