Match Multi Values to a Table?
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to VLOOKUP or MATCH or something else to return values from a table. In the example below, in the highlighted row, I would want it to return the three highlighted 'Assigned To' values in the table below. Is this possible? Or is there a better solution that I am not thinking of?
Change "end date" based on status changes
When an end date is used in a dependency setting, you can't use automation or formulas to change it. However, this is when it is critical (pun fully intended)! When someone marks an item as Completed status, it would be helpful if the sheet could update the End Date column to the date it marked completed. For dependencies…
Sharing a sheet via an automation
Would be great if it were possible to write an automation which would automatically share the sheet with people named in cells in the sheet. Ideally with controls to editing rights, etc. Certain reports we make need to be shared with three particular individuals in the organisation but are intended to be confidential. At…
Automation triggers not sending emails anymore
I have multiple notifications from a few days ago that say: Smartsheet Automation: Due to a recent automation permission or sharing change, the following people aren't receiving alerts from your workflow: I have changed the "fill in" columns to "contact list" and it looks like the automation is set up correctly, but still…
Updating cells to Formulas
I have a sheet that we track miles for vehicles for services so 1 column is for a A the next B service. those columns set of formatting against currant mileage and let the mechanic know if a service is due. the issue we have is the A is every 18K miles the B is 36K miles. When a B service gets done it resets the A service…
Merged: Automation in Control Center Global Updates
This discussion has been merged.
Add Explicit Automation Order Execution
The ability to explicitly create an order of execution for automations rather than relying on the last modified date would be beneficial to Smartsheet Designers. My suggestion is to add a dependency dropdown box as part of the trigger box. The dependency dropdown box would self-populate with the names of automations…
Merged: Linking Workflows
This discussion has been merged.
Best new way to automate notifications in a waterfall
Currently our (several years old) setup for automation depends on a sheet formula and I would rather have the full picture in the automation and I think maybe with updates that have come in where this is possible now. Example: When Task one status is set to done, it updates in a special formula cell on the next line and…
Archiving Sheets with Different Primary Columns
My workspace has 3 main source sheets. Each of these source sheets currently uses a different column for the primary column (two use ID Number, one uses Name since ID number is assigned later) but both columns exist in all sheets. When a request (1 row = 1 request; form intake) is marked completed it moves to its…