Hi everyone, I’m hoping to get some help from the community. Is there a way to automatically group rows in a parent-child format? For example: Parent A Child A Child A Parent B Child B Child B Parent …
At the end of each quarter, i'd like to copy parent rows and move the previous 3 months (from each parent row) to an archive sheet. Is this possible? I'd then like to have an automation after this tha…
I'd like to populate the due dates for child tasks based on the 'master' due date of the parent line, with the help of a "days out" or "weeks out" column. For example, I'd input the due date of the pa…
Hi there! I'm doing a cross sheet formula where I want to collect Task Names if the IP Submission Return of the child row (10/12/24 in this example) matches the Most Recent Update of the parent row. T…
I have a sheet (See below). In the 'Sheet Needed' column I have a formula: =IF(P@row = 1, COUNT([Sheet Created?]@row, IF(P@row = 0, SUM(CHILDREN())))) This is working in the Child Rows, however I am n…