Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Status Rollup to Parent Formula


I have this formula that works when automating parent/child tasks in a project plan.

=IF(COUNT(CHILDREN(formula@row)) > 0, IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(formula@row), "Complete") = COUNT(CHILDREN(formula@row)), "Complete", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(formula@row), "Not Started") = COUNT(CHILDREN(formula@row)), "Not Started", "In Progress")))

This allows parent tasks to auto populate depending on child tasks

If all child tasks are complete = Parent task is complete

If all child tasks are not started - Parent task is not started

if all child tasks are in progress= Parent task is in progress etc

I would like to add the following criteria to the formula above.

if all child tasks is blocked - Parent task is blocked

If all child tasks is on hold - Parent task is on hold

If there is a mixture of child tasks that are blocked or on hold - Parent task is blocked.

can anyone help with the formula please?


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Karl86 ,

    Try this:

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN(Formula@row)) > 0, IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Formula@row), "Complete") = COUNT(CHILDREN(Formula@row)), "Complete", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Formula@row), "Not Started") = COUNT(CHILDREN(Formula@row)), "Not Started", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Formula@row), "Blocked") = COUNT(CHILDREN(Formula@row)), "Blocked", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Formula@row), "On Hold") = COUNT(CHILDREN(Formula@row)), "On Hold", IF(OR(CONTAINS("Blocked", CHILDREN(Formula@row)), CONTAINS("On Hold", CHILDREN(Formula@row))), "Blocked", "In Progress"))))))

    Melissa Yamada
    Data made simple, spreadsheets reimagined

  • Thanks Melissa this works,

    Can i amend to show

    If there are Child tasks that is a mixture of on hold or in Progress - Parent task shows in progress?


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Karl86

    Try this:

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN(Formula@row)) > 0, IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Formula@row), "Complete") = COUNT(CHILDREN(Formula@row)), "Complete", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Formula@row), "Not Started") = COUNT(CHILDREN(Formula@row)), "Not Started", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Formula@row), "Blocked") = COUNT(CHILDREN(Formula@row)), "Blocked", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Formula@row), "On Hold") = COUNT(CHILDREN(Formula@row)), "On Hold", IF(CONTAINS("Blocked", CHILDREN(Formula@row)), "Blocked", "In Progress"))))))

    Melissa Yamada
    Data made simple, spreadsheets reimagined

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