I have a Form created for internal employees where they can submit request tickets to my department. We all have an account with Smartsheet. One of our columns ("Requestor Name") is in the Form where …
Hi, I have a form that gathers data. The team works on it and rows change status. Once a row changes to approved, I'd like to move it off to another sheet but my automation is giving me an error - she…
In my sheet I have columns with formulas that I would like to keep as applied column formulas. I also categorize my row's by creating children under a labeled row. Within the labeled row I would like …
Hello everyone! I am running into an issue when using Control Center to create new columns with formulas across my active projects. I have already tried the column with the formula in one of these she…
So I have a column I am trying to get a count of by year for a Metric dashboard. I am using the following formula: =countif([Completion Date]:[Completion Date], ="2023"). This formula is not working a…
Hello all, As I've read in Smartsheet Articles, the only roles that can change column layout are Owners and Admins. However, in one of our workspaces, we noticed an Editor changing the order of the co…