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"Created By" column limitations?


We have a Form that was created about 5 months ago for Tech Request Tickets for our company (all internal). Within our company, we all have Smartsheet accounts. We had an issue of auto-population within our form; we couldn't seem to get an email format when people were submitting requests, only the first name was showing.

Due to this, I figured out how to auto-populate by using the "Created By" column. So, they'll need to log in and submit their request, that way their email auto-populates.


However, here's the issue. Those changes were recent, as in, last week. The previous rows of requests we have under "Created By" column are label as ''. I have over 100+ of rows with this column. Is there a way to change those in the "Created By" column to the emails of the people who submitted them?

I'm doing some automation based on that column email to send out a DocuSign form to the correspondent.


I've tried changing the column to "Contact List" and manually change the rows to the email of correspondents, but when I change it back to "Created By", it deletes the content in them.

I've also tried having just a "Contact List" but the issue with that is I'll have to add all emails into the column (over 200) and that's not feasible, especially when we have new hires or people leaving. I don't want to keep track of such a thing lol.

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi ocanel,

    We can not change value in the Created by column. It's a system column mangaged by Smartsheet, not us.

    I got this idea :

    1. You create a "Contact list" column next to the "Created by" column. For the first 100 row (labeled as '' in Created by), you will manually add emails to the Contact list column, and the last 100 row (labeled as user email auto-populates) you will leave the Contact list blank.
    2. Create automation with conditional checking of the Contact list : if Contact list is not blank then send notification to Contact list, else send to Created by

    Hope that helps.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.
    Email :


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi ocanel,

    We can not change value in the Created by column. It's a system column mangaged by Smartsheet, not us.

    I got this idea :

    1. You create a "Contact list" column next to the "Created by" column. For the first 100 row (labeled as '' in Created by), you will manually add emails to the Contact list column, and the last 100 row (labeled as user email auto-populates) you will leave the Contact list blank.
    2. Create automation with conditional checking of the Contact list : if Contact list is not blank then send notification to Contact list, else send to Created by

    Hope that helps.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.
    Email :

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    @Gia Thinh Thank you for the idea!

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    @Gia Thinh I'm making my conditional checking but during the mapping process, I'm asked to specified a column on where to send it. Since I'm having 2 different columns: "Created By" & "Contact List", I can only specify one (since one person is needed to sign). So I'm creating 2 document builder based on the same template but each having designated a "Created By" column and the other one "Contact List" so I can specify during the automation.

    However, when asked to include a Tracker for the DocuSign, I already have one set up. Will the new mapping I'm creating be automatically set up with the existing Tracking column?

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