Bug: Community Editor
Gwyneth, ITALICS do not appear to be working. Others do BOLD UNDERLINE STRIKE THOUGH Also, I do not see a way to delete a post any longer. I assume that is intentional. I don't need / want to delete my posts very often, so very minor (for me) Craig
Smartsheet Community search doesn't appear to work
Hi, I've been doing some searches in the Community and have not been getting any hits when using words like "Project" , "Report" etc Could be a browser problem (Firefox) or the search utility is not picking up the keywords. Regards Gary
Form function for SmartSheet
Hi, I have smartsheet to record each building general meeting info, such as building manager, meeting date, building name. In each meeting, we need to prepare meeting supplies (there are around 30 items, such as pen, projector, binder..). I would like to use smartsheet "Form function". Then link is created and I can send…
emailing a form once a checkbox has been activated
Hello out there in smartsheet land, I'm trying automate an email of a survey form. I want the form to be emailed once a check box has been checked off. I've checked the formulas page and I cannot find the help i need . Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks Donny
SUM IF & LEFT @cell
I keep getting the result of 0 I am trying to sum a range if another column contains "Street Lighting" I have tried changing the text reference from the entire column, to particular range and adding the LEFT @cell with and without #(5) see below. =SUMIF(Team:Team, LEFT(="Street Lighting", [Days to respond]2:[Days to…
Calculate Date for Status Change
Does anyone know how to capture or calculate the current date that a status has changed on a task? I'm trying to capture the dates that each task is moved through the status phases of To Do, In Process, Done.
Generic "Forms" embedded in a sheet?
HI, I am pretty new to Smartsheet so, please forgive me if the solution to this question is obvious to most. :) Our company is developing some project management sheets to help us in our transition to paperless. We have put together a template that we feel pretty satisfied with to get going and as we start each project, we…
Comments on 2017-06-20 release
https://www.smartsheet.com/release-notes (2) In-Line Formula help Please allow means to turn off the feature (not turn it off after it shows up). If I realized it was always on when I was testing it, I would have said something then. I don't need to see it every time, so default to collapsed is preferred. I often need to…
Formula HELP!
Need Help! I need a few of formulas. (1) Formula to automatically populate a due date (2 weeks after start date). (2) Formula to calculate duration between two date columns. (3) Total parent rows (projects) and total based on parent color. I'm at the end of my wits! Thanks everyone!
Release Notes Link hard to find
Shaine, I was able to preview the formula Help and Activity Log prior to the release. Really liking the Activity Log for a sheet we recently rolled out that has over 500 users updating it. I'll have to spend more time on the formulas to give feedback. I did notice that the Release…