Feature Request: Google Chat
I was thrilled to read the Smartsheet blog about the new integration with Skype for Business Online that allows users to live chat through Smartsheet and have those conversations automatically saved to the comments in a sheet. This is such a valuable tool for many users and wanted to know if there are any more integrations…
Parent Date Roll Up
I currently have a sheet where i have multiple columns with dates thats that are going to need to roll up to the project level parent. I am looking for a way to roll the dates without using the predcessor function as it doesnt quite work right. In the picture below you can see some of the columns. I would like to have the…
Smartsheet Community Sort Filter Question
I believe that the sort by "Recent" filter on the Community Home page only shows the most recent Discussions posted. It is possible to implement a sort that filters by the most recent dated comments to any discussion. You have this option when when you select a search TAG. It then gives you the options to sort by…
Saving over other entries
I know SS will tell me when another user is viewing the tab, and it will tell me when they make changes so I can refresh. The challenges we're facing are: there's a good 30-45 seconds before SS tells me that someone is viewing the tab. That's plenty of time for them to get in, make a change, save it, and have me save what…
Enhancement Request: Improved Community Search
If this is already possible, I can't find it. I want to be able to filter and search by Topic. If this is not implemented, why should I bother clicking the selections? For example, if I wanted to search ONLY the items that were tagged with "Comments" and not get a hit on just a phrase like "she made comments" Craig
Enhancement Requests: Community / Help search
The number of threads on the Community has grown since i became active. In March 2016, there were about 2300 threads. There's more than double that now (466 pages x 10 per page) I'd like to see some improvements so I can find things more quickly. The search I am talking about is either here: Thanks Craig
I’ve been tasked w/ creating a sign-in sheet/roster tracking when and how often volunteers are volunteering. Looking to have either one person manages or have individual volunteers sign-in and mark off. Would like fields: Full Name, Function, Date, Time-In and Time-Out – and have the ability to sort by volunteer name or…
Percent Complete by Cell Color
Is there a formula to determine percent complete of a task based on the cell color? Cells are filled with dates of various steps in a project and once those are completed, the cell is highlighted. I'd like to have the percent complete column update automatically when the cell color is changed. Help, please!
Convert date format to mm/dd/yyyy
Is there a setting or a formula to convert the standard yy in smartsheet to yyyy?
Enhancement Requests: Community updates
2. I'd like to be able to see in My Profile only the posts that I started. If there was a way to filter those results, that would be fantastic too. I've posted a few threads here and commented on one or two more, and sometimes I KNOW I have fixed the problem and while I can usually find it, sometimes, it takes too long…