is there a way to make children auto-calculate percent complete based on start/end date and the curr
I'm new to this program but not scheduling in general. Is there a way to get each child beneath a parent to calculate % complete automatically, based on the entered start/finish dates and the current date? I'm building construction schedules, and don't want to have to manually update huge amounts of child rows, especially…
Has anyone used Tempus by Prosymmetry?
My Smartsheet contact had recommended Prosymmetry to me for my companies resourcing and time tracking needs, and I'm doing due diligence and vetting. Can't find much information on this company including their seed funding or VC info. Has anyone else used this tool? What has your experience been?
Community Suggestion: Submit Product Enhancement Requests
Every once in a while, I get an idea and wonder why I did not think of it before. When you see a post on the Community that asks for a feature, enhancement, or bug fix you want, click on that "Submit Product Enhancement Request" link to the right. Capture the link for the post you are referencing and say "See this post"…
Answering community questions...
Haha For the first time in living memory i have answered more questions/ scored more points than my colleague Craig Williams and i'm told by Gwynneth that i'm going to get a badge! Made my day! PS I only managed that because I know Craig is on a long flight Pps I have left the serious formula questions for you CW! RichardR
Bug: Community Editor
Gwyneth, ITALICS do not appear to be working. Others do BOLD UNDERLINE STRIKE THOUGH Also, I do not see a way to delete a post any longer. I assume that is intentional. I don't need / want to delete my posts very often, so very minor (for me) Craig
Smartsheet Community search doesn't appear to work
Hi, I've been doing some searches in the Community and have not been getting any hits when using words like "Project" , "Report" etc Could be a browser problem (Firefox) or the search utility is not picking up the keywords. Regards Gary
Form function for SmartSheet
Hi, I have smartsheet to record each building general meeting info, such as building manager, meeting date, building name. In each meeting, we need to prepare meeting supplies (there are around 30 items, such as pen, projector, binder..). I would like to use smartsheet "Form function". Then link is created and I can send…
emailing a form once a checkbox has been activated
Hello out there in smartsheet land, I'm trying automate an email of a survey form. I want the form to be emailed once a check box has been checked off. I've checked the formulas page and I cannot find the help i need . Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks Donny
SUM IF & LEFT @cell
I keep getting the result of 0 I am trying to sum a range if another column contains "Street Lighting" I have tried changing the text reference from the entire column, to particular range and adding the LEFT @cell with and without #(5) see below. =SUMIF(Team:Team, LEFT(="Street Lighting", [Days to respond]2:[Days to…