Conditional Formatting on Forms
I'm drawing a blank on the best way to do this. I am building a form where there is an option to select criteria from a drop-down. When someone selects a drop-down option I want it to then link to it's accompany account number. Basically, that way when they select their account name and submit the form it is submitted with…
Merged: Conditional formatting
This discussion has been merged.
Can I hide a row once a status is marked as complete in a column using conditional formatting?
Calculation from Sheet with shuttled Data to combined data
I have a sheet that is refreshed every morning to add and update existing data from an in-house data warehouse. I am trying to create a sheet that pulls from the original sheet and can produce a graph in dashboard that tells me how long something has been in a current state, with many things being in that state for various…
Workflows updates
Hello, I wanted to know if there is functionality for the following: I have two sheets, #1 Master and #2 Calendar. I have set up an automatic workflow: when a tick box on sheet #1 Master is ticked, a row is copied to sheet #2 Calendar. I then realised that if I needed to update anything on #1 (after the row was copied…
Conditional Charts in the Dashboard
I would like to display a KPI if a condition is true ([boolean field] = true). Scenario: I have a helper sheet checking data entries for errors and a second helper sheet counting the errors. I would like to display a KPI on the dashboard showing the count of errors only if errors exist. The KPI then points to a report that…
Conditional Formatting for SmartSheet App
Currently there isn't a way to color code cards/line items in the SmartSheet app. This would be a huge help for triaging tasks to the correct group as its easier to identify a color than a small text on a handheld device.
Forumlas that have shading to alternate every other row which also update when rows are deleted/adde
Good afternoon! I did use a pair of formulas based of digging I did on the forum, both a =ISODD and =MATCH, with an AUTOID column, but I think I'm making it harder. This sheet is based off a form which will add a row per submission. I'm wanting to alternate the shading every other row via conditional formatting, which it…
Conditional formatting for dates that are X amount of time in the past
I have a sheet where I would like one column of dates to be conditionally formatted to show if the date is greater than 5 years in the past. For example, once a record is greater than 5 years old then it must be archived. We would like to easily see when this occurs or be able to create a workflow to move them to another…
Barber pole and crosshatched backgrounds
Would like to see the addition of barber pole and crosshatched variations to background formatting. This would be beneficial in visibility in conditional formatting for say TBD and Blocked items.