Currently there isn't a way to color code cards/line items in the SmartSheet app.
This would be a huge help for triaging tasks to the correct group as its easier to identify a color than a small text on a handheld device.
Question, @dsteeds, you're saying that your conditional formatting that you established on a PC doesn't show in the app or that you want to establish conditional formatting from the app?
Hi A.J.,
When you establish conditional formatting on the PC for color coding, that color coding does not show in the app.
I created a support request about that and they said that it is not currently a thing with Smartsheet and that they recommend creating this post to get some attention and maybe it will become something that gets implemented.
ahhhh, got it. Well, I upvoted, so I hope it gets traction, too!
I swear the conditional formatting used to apply in the android app, but not 100% sure.
Either way I would consider it a requirement for use of the app.