What is the best way to associate prospect contact information and sales tasks to a smartsheet sale
We currently use smartsheet for our sales pipeline. I love it. As our prospects move through our sales cycle, we simply move them down the list. I use the formulas to track all of our conversion rates and apply to project types and marketuing sources. I find this reporting and linking feature invaluable. We use the…
Hello to all, I'm completely at a lost with formulas in Smartsheet because they are based on column name and location rather than cells like typical spreadsheets. The examples I find in the help are never similar to what I need, can someone help me please? We have a column for Date of Request and Due Date. Reminders are…
Duration setting end date based on 8 hour day, not 10
I changed the length of the work day to ten hours in the project settings. When I set the duration for a task to 1d, the end date changes to the next day. If I change the duration to .08d, the end date is the same day as the start date. Is this a limitation of the trial verison? thanks
budget projection based on schedule
hello, I am trying to find a way to create quarterly budget porjections based on estamates in a column and my gantt chart schedule. This will show the project sponsor how much funding he will need to secure based on how much work is being done in a period of time shown in the schedule. Thank you
Reporting from multiple sheets
Is there a way I can run a report from multiple sheets? I can select 2 or more sheets but it's an "OR" and not "AND". So, the report isn't reporting on all selected sheets. Or, am I missing something? Thanks!
Mobile App for entering data into SmartSheets...
hi. Is there any mobile app which acts as WebForm for filling up smartsheets? i m looking for a solution in which my team members can enter data from their mobile app - which goes into smartsheet... just like Webform - but without going to that URL of webform... We are trying to track our Sales Leads - by asking sales team…
Reoccurring Event
Does anyone know how or is there a work around for entering a reoccurring event one time but have a reminder sent to you every two weeks vs enetering the event multiple times?
Graphic for pipeline
Hi, I am an architect and I NEED to see all the data graphically. I am looking for samples of project pipeline graphics produced using Smartsheet. Please, post them here or send me a link. Thanks! ileana
Duplicate Sheets that sync
Hi All. I am a Project Manager looking after new homes and I am trying to find a solution for sharing my sheets to both my clients as well as members of my team If I have all my sheets in a Workspace all my clients can see eveery other sheet whihc is not ideal... Alternatively if I have to set up sharing separately for…
Making a Web Form
Is there a way to create a web form and then track it? We have purchase/work orders and would like to create those PO's and then track them. What would be the best way to accomplish that? Thanks Dan