Hi there, I'm trying to build a summary sheet with formulas that COUNTIF cells in a column on another sheet CONTAIN a specific value (this column is multiselect dropdown). I've come up with things lik…
Hello community, I have a Calculation sheet and I want to track how many times specific names have a "Pass" and or "Fail" in another sheet. I have a dashboard I'm connecting this calculation sheet to.…
Hello all, I'm looking for advice to write a cross-sheet reference formula. I have two sheets: one list of all students who have completed internships, and a second sheet with a list of organizations …
I have a large worksheet with assignments over the course of months for multiple people. Some assignments are for more than one person. I have built a formula that works for tracking assignments using…
I have a very simple COUNTIF formula that isn't working in the sheet summary section. For example, I'm trying to count how many times the year "2017" appears in a column called "Tablet Year". The form…
I am trying to find the number of induvial emails who submitted a form each week, each month, and each year. I have a form where users add in their own email and anyone who was involved in filling it …
Hello, I have a sheet with 7 columns each indicating a different team or step in our process (UX, Content, Regulatory Review, Planning, Execution, Data, Testing). I also have around 300 rows of tasks …
Hi All, I am working on a dashboard that displays various info and tasks in state of completion. I'm wanting to count how may checkboxes in a column to display a chart in my dashbord showing % complet…
I am trying to write summary formulas to determine how many values appear of each in the drop-down of a column. I tried adding a wildcard, I have tried HAS, and tried CONTAIN, but I'm still not gettin…
Challenge: Countifs formula is not returning a value from a cross sheet. Any help would be so greatly appreciated. Summary: I am trying to pull in counts for a specific month and status for an applica…