COUNTIFS + AND Formula does not Equal the Filter Count
Good afternoon. I am having issues with the below formula equaling the filter within the sheet that we are pulling form. Please see the below and point me in the right direction to help fix this. Formula: Filter: BC/PO/BL | is one of | PO, BL, SSA, Lease, License, Other Non-Board Items Status | has none of | Awaiting CRF,…
Calculate Number of Deals on a Waitlist at a Given Time?
Hi, For context, a buyer and seller will approach my team and provide us with a proposed close date of their deal. Often times our deal teams are finishing up other deals and cannot immediately start working with them. We create a Salesforce opportunity and add them to our "Waitlist" (category in SF opp). Sometimes this…
How to count several non-blank rows based on specific criteria across two sheets
Hi Community! I have two different grid sheets within smarthseet with the following information: In sheet 1 I have several products that need a certain number of photography shots and being delivered in different channels. Each row has a due date. In sheet 2 I want to find a formula that would give me the numbers in blue.…
Why didn't my original CountIF formula work?
I am trying to count the number of projects that began since Jan 1, 2024. I typed in the formula =COUNTIF([Start Date]:[Start Date], ">= Jan 1, 2024"). Basically I wanted to count the number of projects with a start date that were equal to Jan 1, 2024 or greater. However that formula gave the blatantly incorrect answer.…
Counting Active Projects
Hey! I am wanting to count the number of projects in each department (e.g., Health Action) that are marked as active. I am currently using this formula where I manually enter how many inactive project to subtract from the total but I would like to have this imbedded in a formula so it updates automatically. Thank you!
How to count the number of times a name refrenced in a cell appears in a column
I'm trying to create an attendance tracking sheet, and different numbers of absences leads to different diciplinary measures. I know I could use COUNTIF, but there will be hundreds of employees, and I dont want to add them each individually. Is there a way to tell the formula to count the number of times the Value in the…
CountIFs formula question
Hi, I am trying to count the amount of time a drop down is selected within a range of columns that is in a specific location (separate column with it's own values). My goal is to count how many times Location (A-C) have the value Properly demonstrated and Not Properly Demonstrated selected. This is currently the formula I…
Last 7 Days
I need a formula that counts the number of requests that have been submitted within the last seven days if assigned to "John Doe". Smartsheet's AI generated this formula, however it comes back to me as #UNPARSEABLE. =COUNTIFS({Filing Submitted Date}:{Filing Submitted Date}, {Filing Submitted Date}@cell>=TODAY(-7), {LRT…
Count formula referencing another sheet with 2 parameters
Hello All! Need a little help- I have a formula where I need to reference another sheet and then count based on two criteria. Right now I am getting and error would love another perspective. The formula is going for if the sheet has Monthx and MonthX count. Below is what I currently have for a formula.
#Nested Criteria when combining formulas together
I am trying to get this formula to work, but it kicks back the nested criteria. =JOIN(DISTINCT(COLLECT([Employee Number]:[Employee Number], [Created Date]:[Created Date], IFERROR(MONTH(@cell ), 0) = MONTH(TODAY()), [Employee Number]:[Employee Number], COUNTIF([Employee Number]:[Employee Number], @cell) >= 2)), ", ") I just…