Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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How to count the number of times a name refrenced in a cell appears in a column

I'm trying to create an attendance tracking sheet, and different numbers of absences leads to different diciplinary measures. I know I could use COUNTIF, but there will be hundreds of employees, and I dont want to add them each individually. Is there a way to tell the formula to count the number of times the Value in the "Name" cell appears in the column?



  • Community Champion

    Hi @KHouseknecht

    You can write a COUNTIF formula in the same attendance tracking sheet to get the count of times a name appears in the sheet. Your formula will be =COUNTIF([Name column]:[Name column], [Name column]@row). This will purely give you the number of times the name in the row appears in the sheet. You won't be able to get absences as I assume the name won't appear in that sheet.


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


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