#Nested Criteria when combining formulas together

I am trying to get this formula to work, but it kicks back the nested criteria.

=JOIN(DISTINCT(COLLECT([Employee Number]:[Employee Number], [Created Date]:[Created Date], IFERROR(MONTH(@cell ), 0) = MONTH(TODAY()), [Employee Number]:[Employee Number], COUNTIF([Employee Number]:[Employee Number], @cell) >= 2)), ", ")

I just want to see the employee number that populates 2 or more time during the current month, is this possible?


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    Could you split this into two steps?

    Put the COUNTIF part into a new column in your sheet and then in your COLLECT reference that column and check it is >=2.

    Step 1

    new column formula (I called this column "Instances this month")

    =COUNTIFS([Employee Number]:[Employee Number], [Employee Number]@row, [Created Date]:[Created Date], IFERROR(MONTH(@cell ), 0) = MONTH(TODAY()))

    Step 2

    Simplify the COLLECT to use the new column instead

    =JOIN(DISTINCT(COLLECT([Employee Number]:[Employee Number], [Instances this month]:[Instances this month], >=2)), ", ")

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