Enhancement Request for Sights: Horizontal positioning of fields in widgets
I miss the possiblity to align content fields in a widget next to each other . The available space could be used much better... Today the fields can only be aligned vertically like this:
NEWBIE: Smartsheet Feature Relationships
What is the difference and hierarchical relationships between "sheets", "workspaces", "folders", "sights" and "dashboards"? As a marketing director, product / project manager I am just trying to figure out a logical build sequence for my new smartsheet content. Sheets and folders are pretty straightforward, but what is the…
Emailing Sights
I can't seem to find a way to send a Sight as an attachment like you can with reports, is this possible? I need to be able to send sights on a regular basis. This feature would be so much better than having to take a screen shot and attaching it to an email.
Sights Templates
will there be Sights templates added?
Feature Request: Timeline within Smartsheet
One feature that MS Project had that I've had a hard time working around is a timeline feature that is part of the application. I understand that SS integrates with Office Timeline, but I have to pay for this, manually manipulate this, and I have to recreate a timeline each time deliverables change on my plans. We have a…
Enhancement Request: relative addressing for cell linking in sheets, reports and sights
It would be great to be able to use relative addressing in cell linking between sheets and links in reports and sights instead of the fixed linking as currently implemented in Smartsheet. Why? We use Smartsheet for project management and have a set up a standard workspace which contains set of sheets/reports and sights…
Duplicating a Widget in Sights
Does anyone know if i can Duplicate a Widget in a Sight and Paste it in another Sight?
highlight changes in report format disappears in sights
Hi, i have a report, and in it i have "highlight recent changes". works lovely. but when i show this report in sights, the highlighting disappears, even though the rest of the format is there. is there a way to leave highlighting in sights? thanks
Link to most recently added row
I'm looking for a way to display (in Sights, but if you're not a user of Sights, just think of it as linking from one sheet to another) whatever the last row was that was added to a sheet. The way I'm conceiving of this is when a row is added, the top row in the sheet contains formulas that grab that information. If I were…
Best practices; optimum template design for pulling/pushing distilled info from a sheet
Typical project management templates are not designed to easily get a distilled summary of important points. I am wondering if these is a template out there that would allow for easily pushing out or pulling from a sheet the following. If this info is in form of a symbol (Harvey Ball symbols for example) instead of numbers…