How do you limit items in a dropdown menu field based on the selection of another?
We're building a process where users are limited to a secondary dropdown menu selection after selecting an option from another dropdown field. For example: We have a Job Department field and a Job Type field. If the Job Department dropdown menu includes Accounting, HR, IT, etc., we want the Job Type field to be limited to…
Data Table constant error, "An Internal error occurred. Connection will refresh on next execution"
I have a Data Table linked to a sheet that gives a constant error (above), and will not work no matter how many times I rebuild it. There are no numbers with special characters, and the dataset is pretty standard stuff. I can't find any info at all on Data Table errors, and this has been going on for 24-hours. I used Data…
Merged: Data Shuttle Ownership Transfer
This discussion has been merged.
DataTable Error Notifications - Now Available!
Hi Community, I am excited to announce the release of DataTable error notifications! All users shared to a DataTable (admins and views) will now receive in-app and email notifications when errors have occurred. Error messages will state the error that has occurred and with what DataTable sheet Connection. Users will be…
How to have separate data table for a new version of the form?
Hi All, I created a copy of the form I used so far, to ask a bit different questions and to collect the data in a bit different way. After the pilot stage I want to decide which version 1st or 2nd of the form will be used as the final version. But I see that the data punched into this 2nd version of the form are collected…
Data Table CSV export
The ability to export the contents of a Data Table into a csv format
Need help getting the 'most recent' entry in a column (in the simplest format)
I have several sheets that take a doctoral student to unpack to figure out why they work and I'm hoping that Smartsheet has simplified so that I can pare back some of our formulas. One of the most common needs is for us to feed a 'summary' area at the top of the sheet with the most recent entry at the bottom. For example,…
Smartsheet ODBC, Tableau, and DataTable
Hello, We are trying to connect Smartsheet data in a Smartsheet DataTable to Tableau. We have too much data for a single Smartsheet sheet to hold all the data. Is there a way to pull data from a Smartsheet DataTable into Tableau? So far the methods considered are: Smartsheet ODBC connector Not seeing the DataTable as…
DataTable Connection fails to transfer records when filter conditions change due to time passing
Hello, Some or all DataTable Connections do not automatically transfer data to the destination sheet under this condition: Filter: <Field name> is greater than <#> days from today Today the filter shows no result The next day, the sheet shows no data but the filter shows there should records transferring. If you manually…
Dashboard Creation Using a Form
I have a form that I submit to stakeholders that captures CSAT data. The form specifically captures the CSAT score, the stakeholder product, the internal team that worked on it (e.g., Team A, Team B, and Team C), and the stakeholder's name. The date the form is submitted is also included and auto-populated in another…