How to have separate data table for a new version of the form?


Hi All,

I created a copy of the form I used so far, to ask a bit different questions and to collect the data in a bit different way. After the pilot stage I want to decide which version 1st or 2nd of the form will be used as the final version. But I see that the data punched into this 2nd version of the form are collected in the same data table with the data already submitted into this 1st version of the form..

Is it possible to have separate data tables for 1st and 2nd version of the form? If yes, how to do this? I am afraid that if I delete some questions/columns in the 2nd version of the form, I will lose the data that was collected for those questions/columns in the 1st version of the form. 

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best Answer

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Izabela Berlinska

    There are a couple of things you can do:

    Option 1

    Add a column to the sheet called "Form Type" and included this as a field on your form. Make this field a hidden field, so the user cannot see or edit it. Set the default for form 1 and form 2 to different things.

    This will enable you to continue using 1 sheet but see which form the users submitted. You must not delete sheet columns but can remove fields from each form without impacting the other.

    Option 2

    Copy your sheet. Use form one on sheet one and delete/deactivate the second form. Use form two on sheet two and delete/deactivate the first form.

    This will keep the two forms and sheets completely separate and enable you to delete columns.


  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Izabela Berlinska

    There are a couple of things you can do:

    Option 1

    Add a column to the sheet called "Form Type" and included this as a field on your form. Make this field a hidden field, so the user cannot see or edit it. Set the default for form 1 and form 2 to different things.

    This will enable you to continue using 1 sheet but see which form the users submitted. You must not delete sheet columns but can remove fields from each form without impacting the other.

    Option 2

    Copy your sheet. Use form one on sheet one and delete/deactivate the second form. Use form two on sheet two and delete/deactivate the first form.

    This will keep the two forms and sheets completely separate and enable you to delete columns.

  • Izabela Berlinska

    @KPH Thank you very much, it will definitely help!

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad I could help.