Ability to open published sheets just like standard smart sheets within the same web browser window
Is there a way to open up published sheets that are shared with me within the same web browser window as tabs? Also have forms open up as a popup window rather than a new browser window?
More than one contact in the contact list drop-down
We have a column type "contact list" that we use to track sales reps for individual products. Sometimes we have a product with more than one sales rep. I created a group with both sales reps as part of the group thinking I could use the group as the contact. It isn't available in the dropdown, only individuals. I want to…
Enhancement Request: Search Open Sheets
Any improvement is Search is appreciated. Here is another one: Allow Search only Open Sheets Use Case: I have 10 sheets of concern. Search term appears in hundreds of sheets. Since we can't only search a Workspace (and the sheets might be across several anyway), I could open them up to speed up finding what I am looking…
Include update request button on Alerts
Hello, Is there a way to include the update request on an email alert? We currently send our customers a notifications when they submit a request. What we would like to do is give the customer the ability to update the request without giving them access to the sheet. We also do not want to manually send an update request…
Printing cell history value
I have A1 and B1 which are two different dates (for illustration: A1 is today's date, and the other in the following day). I have data value in Cell C that is changed daily by another cell linking formula from other sheet. Then I have cell A2 and B2 -- the formula in these cells is: =IF(today()=ColumnA1,CellC) and…
Publish Selected Columns
I would like to see an enhancement that allows selecting columns to publish (similar to how columns can be selected for an update request). I am using a trial of Smartsheet to evaluate it as a possible solution for task management in my company. We currently use Excel to log work coming into a department and estimate lead…
Case-sensitivity in filters on text fields
Hi, Does anyone know if there’s a way to do this currently, as it seems to be stumping me. E.g. I have 2 rows with “ERF_” in one column in one row and “erf_” in the same column in the other. When I filter on that column, I get the same result whether I use “erf_” or “ERF_”; i.e. both rows are returned. This seems to imply…
Update request triggering SmartSheets update Zap
Hi, I’ve recently come across a situation where this would be very handy; i.e. when you make an Update Request on a sheet, it could trigger a Zap. It seems to be currently not the case, unfortunately. Is this on the product roadmap at all? Regards, GAM
Contacts and Contact Groups
Can you share contacts or contact groups with other smartsheet users? Similar to how you share a filter or another way?
Beta of New UI?
Is there any way to get a beta view of the new UI? Just encountering UI issues while working in currnet view. Small things like makin the tabs smaller or multi row. Using more of the screen etc. I saw the new release will have many of my concerns addressed. But really wondering how to get on the inside track of beta views…