Conditional Logic in Smartforms (AKA Cascading Dropdowns)
We all love a Freebie? OUR API development team get lots of requests for automation which is the basis of our Smarter Mini Control Center 12 Apps, but one request we have been unable to fulfill so far (unless we use Appsheet with Smartsheet) is the need for Conditional logic or Cascading Dropdowns when completing forms in…
Form Enhancement Request
We're using multiple SmartSheet forms within one sheet to record steps for various equipment to be started up, with each piece of equipment requiring responses from multiple parties and usually to be filled out over the course of time as it is being completed. We'd like to be able to show if/what was recorded previously…
How can I use two conditions to return a specific result in another column
I am working on creating a form for stakeholders to complete that will populate a smartsheet that we've had in place for several months. This would create efficiencies for us and help our stakeholders as well. I want to be able to do the following: When a specific selection of department is made, and the spend amount is…
Are logic options in forms limited to the first 10 columns in a sheet?
I have a sheet with more than 10 columns and the webform does not seem to allow me to capture columns beyond the tenth one. When setting up logic in “field settings” under the “then show the following fields” drop down only the first 10 columns are available to chose from. Am I missing something?
I.T. Project Management workflow process
Hello, I am new to Smartsheet and have seen nearly all of the training videos, I work in I.T. Cybersecurity and wanted to get your opinion on how to create a Smartsheet(s) for looking at installation, failures, dates, etc. for I.T. disk drives. I have information on an excel sheet that was provided & an initial Smartsheet…
Value in one sheet create a "populate" trigger in another sheet
Good afternoon We have a bid invite sheet that we fill out with prospective jobs (each row is a prospective job) to bid on. It has multiple columns of Data that if we decide to bid on the job would need to be transferred to our sales/estimating sheet. If we had a YES/No drop down column and we choose YES is there a way to…
dropdown multi-select and lookups -- vlookup, join, collect, index, match???
Hello, I'm having trouble understanding what function I should use to do lookups when there is more than one matching value. I know how to use vlookup, at least well enough to know it won't work in this case. Here's what I'm trying to do: On one sheet (sheet1) I have a dropdown multi-select with about 80 different options.…
Smartsheet Form Multi Entry
Hi All, Just have a query regarding Smartsheet forms. I am currently setting up a form to track consumables for a project. The project may have up to 20/ 30 different consumables associated with it. Is it possible to use a multi-select dropdown for the user to enter these consumables which in turn will enter the required…
Can you upload a photo or screenshot to a Smartsheet form?
I would like to be able to bold or change the size of my font on a Smartsheet forms heading for when I need to include further information on the survey. i.e. when someone needs to choose an option, but requires quite a bit of information to be able to do so. At the moment all you can do is add descriptions, but can't…
Hello, Suppose I have a sheet that is populated with numerous rows of records that outline key information with a unique code. Each row pertains to an individual and that individual will need to send in information that is in a form. Rather than the form adding a new row, could the form tie together the info in the form…