Maximum capacity Form
Hello, I'm making a form for people to fill in if they want to participate on a event. I made the form and set some dates that they can choose. The only problem is that on each date there is limited capacity. So what I would like is that when for example they choose 15/7 15 times than the date wouldn't be available anymore…
Create formula to count category risk with aggregate rating
Hi, I have a risk register for a project that has well over 100 risks documented and I have them categorized into 17 different risks. I would like to be able to create a formula to count how many risks exist under each category and then a formula to show the aggregate risk associated with this. I would think by a…
Form Submission to Rollup
I've been thinking about this for a while.. I would like to take the laggy and awkward pivot middle-man out of the process. I think there should be an option for sheet with a form to add the new row according to a rollup and sort. For example: the form asks for pencil color, length and quantity I enter Green, 127mm and 3 I…
Sending Email Group a form
I am wondering if there is a way to email a survey form to my group and when they each respond individually their responses fill in 1 row at a time. Example: I have 10 people in my group, they each respond to the survey and I will have 10 rows of responses. Currently, if I send the form to 2 or more users the first persons…
Custom form fields not coming over after form is submitted
Hello, I have created custom fields on a form. The url provided to fill out the form has the correct custom fields displayed. I complete the form and submit. When the form comes into my Smartsheet, the standard fields are being displayed and not my custom fields so I am not able to see the information being collected in…
Users getting kicked off Smartsheet
Hello, I created a Smartsheet that tracks a form completion. The problem is that some users (different users on different computers and on different days) are getting kicked out of the Form before they finish. Is there a reason for this? What could it be? Since it's intermittent and not everyone, I really don't know what…
Send an Email Form Intact to Others
Hello - I have created a form to capture nomination information for an award. The link is on the web where people would enter their information and submit it to me. I then have to send the information to a committee to review and I would like for them to be able to see the form and not the grid as it is harder to read and…
Generate SCC project sheet's form link during provisioning
I really need to include a form on the project dashboard for each project that I spin up, but the link is essentially hard-coded to whatever I drop into the Web Content Widget. Either there needs to be a way to insert a placeholder link for example {{SCCPROJECTFOLDER | SHEETNAME | FORMNAME}} or {{FORM_32_DIGIT_ID}} or a…
Update Status in task list after form submission
Hi Guys, How can I update the status of a task in a task list after submit a form? I just see move row and copy row, but I there is not an option to update a specific record for in a sheet. Is this possible? If yes, how could I do it? Thanks, Andrea
How to put formulas in smartsheet form without it automatically override as text?
When I use an automation workflow from a form question hidden as I have the formula as the default value of that question, how can I get it to work it's formula instead of it overriding as a text? So when I put in the formula in the default value in the form and when after the form has been filled, the formula is exposed…