Use "Created By" auto generated field as a "contact list" for use with approval workflow
I have a form that is use to submit travel requests. I would like to set-up an auto-field that captures who the form was "created by", rather than having them enter their name into the "contact list". I was hoping to use this to then send an auto-generated workflow to this contact. However, I believe workflows only work…
New Comments window
The other day our comments pop up box went to the classic pop up square box in the middle of the page to a slide out from the left side. Terrible Idea now it cover a third of the page and I am constantly opening and closing to see the date behind it . The pop up box was better because it could be moved around the page to…
Form not submitting data
I have tested, retested and not luck with data in my form I created. I cannot get the data to appear however the active form has entries that I cannot smiply see. Any ideas what is my problem? I create forms all the time and not one problem until today. Thanks
Add attachment to multiple sheets and respond?
I have a form where my customer can request certification documentation. The form logs in a Smartsheet for tracking requests. The automation sends an update alert out to my team, requesting a response. When they respond to the update alert, they can attach a file. What I would like is for the attachment to be added to the…
Leveling Up Update Requests
One of the features of forms that I use frequently is the ability to add a "hidden field" with a value that is written to the sheet upon submission. This is really useful when performing a simple evaluation of form submission completion to trigger actions in workflows, for example. However, in contexts where I have a…
Dates must be formatted correctly
Has anyone else ran into this issue? I have two separate accounts, and I started getting this same error on every form submission for both. This must have started two or three weeks ago.
Dynamically Add columns
Hello, I have a form that was created that we send to a group of individuals asking them to update the status. Currently, the form is formatted as a text box where we are the individual to format the date and add a comment. As you can imagine this doesn't allow for the best reporting. I am curious is there a way to create…
Limited Availability on drop downs in forms
Hi, relatively new user here - I am wondering if there is a way to make a drop down option limited? Like for appointments or meetings? example: Choose a time slot - but only ones that have not yet been chosen will display? Any help is appreciated!
Web form - How to select more than one on Drop Down List
Hi, I am designing a web form with drop down list for some fields. I want the ability to select more than one item from the list. How can i do that? Thanks