Calendar Time (Hour/Minutes)?
Good Afternoon SmartSheet, Does SmartSheet support Hours / Minutes within Calendars? The reason I am asking.. I have both a PTO and Scheduling sheets right now that currently have a Calendar setup on them where people can request a date to work/off from work. However it shows them for the entire day. But, I also have Part…
Merged: Forms as Smartsheet Objects in Dashboards
This discussion has been merged.
Form Confirmation Options
I have created a purchase order sheet and form which auto generates a number each time. How do I reference this number to pull it through into the form completion confirmation message and/or email?
Merging several form questions into one column
Hi! I have created a form but am having some issues with how fields from the form are collected and reported to employees. The form is a sign-in for sessions. Attendees select their presenter from several lists (e.g. A - C, D - F). These presenter fields are set up as Contact Lists and linked to our users, and each form…
Form Issue - The information you entered is incomplete or invalid.
I have a form that worked approximately 3 weeks ago (and for months before that) but now everyone who enters information on the form gets the "The information you entered is incomplete or invalid." message. Thankfully, the form is just being tested so it hasn't impacted operations but it has stopped us from rolling it out.…
Use a QR Code to start an Update Request?
So I thought I was close with a solution to manage our fleet of vehicles. I created a sheet and used workflow generated update requests to get daily check in information from the assignee of a vehicle. Further, I used other workflows to change the status of the vehicle based on the check in. Also, included milage and…
Date Format in forms
Hi SS Community I use Smartsheet in Australia and use the appropriate date format for my sheets (image 1) with the correct personal regional settings (image2). However, when I use a form from my sheet to input data it shows the US date format (image 3) which has confused some of my users. Is there a setting to ensure date…
How to filter and average numbers by leader
Hello, I have been trying to write a formula to pull the averages of numbers in each column by Leader into a separate sheet but the only formula I could find that can calculate this is working, but pulling the data as zero. Is the issue because this is data generated from a form? The equation I am using is…
Forms: Numbers changed from what users submitted
Hello-- I set up a form to collect information about publications for our staff. Each field in the form is required and set to collect numbers only. Many of the responses are coming in inconsistently as a negative number (which would not make sense for people reporting on something they have completed). From people who…
Form Entries are Negative
Weekly I have about 15 sites completing the form linked below. The issue, I have roughly two random users each week entering a negative one into the form. One user who is pretty savvy indicated the form is defaulting to a negative one. https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/ebc99e53148a4a479060b3d695321030 I have NOT setup any…