New user here... Need formula on how to count how many entries in a column are in a specific month
Hey there, I have wracked my brain for hours trying to find a formula that will allow me to count how many cells contain the month Jan, Feb, etc. So far I have tried the following.. Please let me know how I should adjust: =COUNTIFS({[ Range 1]}, @cell >= DATE(2024, 1, 1), {Certificate of Destruction Range 1}), @cell…
Formula to get best poll time
I have created a poll with dates as column headers and several times as multi-drop down options. It created a fantastic web-form I was able to share easily with collaborators both inside and outside my organization. My question is, is there a formula I could apply in the Sheet summary to count the best time for each date,…
Chart Widget - Reverse X Axis Data
We read left to right in the US and therefore in the US data on a chart is most easily understood left to right. I am after ability to chart ascending dates while maintaining dynamic chart growth from new form submissions. However, Smartsheet data collection by form is best collected, reported, displayed, used in formulas,…
What it the limitation when using form logic to show dropdown lists?
We have a case where a form is being used by managers to enter info about their direct reports. In the sheet, there is one column of direct reports for every manager. When the manager selects their name in the form, logic causes a new field with all their direct reports to appear as a dropdown. We have a little over 100…
Missing Form Submissions?
I am looking for 15 form submissions that have gone missing via the ‘move’ automation. We have one sheet “Adverse Events Master Sheet (Trial 2.0)”, with multiple forms feeding in to it. The form of interest is ‘Positive Interventions’. When someone has a link to and submits via the Positive Interventions form, a box is…
How to change the email recipient of a form submission.
I created a form for employees to use when they request time off. However, I want the email notifications to go to my boss, not myself. Am I able to change this?
Multiple Approvers from ever-changing approval list
My update request needs to go to all employees (approx 100). The list is always changing and it is not feasible to scroll through to double check each employee is still working here or verify new hires. It's also not feasible to click each employee for every new row in my spreadsheet. I tried forwarding an update request…
Collect Hours Spent or Planned Hours for Projects using the "Business" plan only
Is it possible in the Smartsheet Business plan to utilize a form to input daily hours by a team member that would add up all hours spent against a project? I was thinking of creating a "Time Tracking Sheet" to be populated with new projects using the "copy project" automation workflow from a Master Tracking Sheet. Have the…
Add Values Generated by a formula into a form
Hello, Is there a way to add values generated by a formula into a form? I've created a dynamic drop-down list for a list of addresses. I added a formula column that shows the appropriate city based on the address. I am trying to add the city value, which is generated by a formula, into a form. Is there a way to accomplish…
Activity Log: Show Form "Name" Updated/Deleted/Added
When looking at the Activity Log for a sheet, we can't tell "which" form was Deactivated for example. Just says "Form Deactivated" which is what I was looking for, but can't tell "which" form was deactivated as we have multiple forms submitting to the same sheet, and there's more than one form deactivated. Can this be an…