Creating formula in smartsheet
Hello, I have a requirement to create the below formula in smartsheet. Please help. If short shelf life is between 40% to 59%, then discount is 5% on the invoiced amount, If short shelf life is between 30%– 39%, then discount is 15% on the invoiced amount, If short shelf life is between 20 – 29%, then discount is 40% on…
Any Potential for Linking Reports to Sheets?
Hello, I wish there was a way to link a report to a sheet - does anyone know how to do this, or is it possible? I am hitting my link capacities for our production reporting, but what I really wish I could do is to sum a qty in a report and then graph it on a dashboard. Is there anything in the works at Smartsheets…
Latest Score Given
I am trying to return a score based on the date and contact. what I am looking to do is search my list of names and show what the last score each person was given. I can easily come up with the last date a score was given but I am stuck on how to get the score that is related to that person and date.
how to define who the approval is from multiples
I have migrated our Engineering change to smartsheets which is working fine. I now want to progress this by adding approval requests. We can get changes approved by 3 different people, so I have created an approval request which gets sent out once a box is checked to declare the change is ready for approval. At present…
Finding preceding dates
I've created a productivity dashboard for myself and need to find a formula that returns the previous months so I can reference them in a COUNTIFS statement. I have a formula which works fine BUT it doesn't cope when the date crosses a year boundary, ie if the month is September (month 8) my formula will get August's stats…
Single-Use Checkbox (or dropdown) - Can it be done?
Hi all! I looked in the forums and I didn't come upon any which matched this - but if you're aware of a similar thread, please link to it here! We are looking to find a way to make a checkbox or dropdown option a single-use type thing. Basically - we track travel in a large sheet - and part of the information we collect…
Auto-populating formula when pasting multiple rows
Is there a way to populate formula in columns if multiple rows of data when pasting several rows to the columns next to formula column? I would be willing to use CTRL +D, but it does not work in either of three browsers I have.
Formula for Sum of # amount and Dollar Amount
I am trying to create a Dashboard to show two things: #1- To show how many (#) of each industry that are “wins” and how many (#) of each industry that are “forecasted”. The columns are titled "Industry" and the "Stage" column has the information for Wins and Forecasted. Wins= "5 - Win" and Forecasted = "0 - Lead", "1 -…
Display multiple Values depending on selection
Hi guys (1st post!) I'm trying to display different numerical values in a cell depending on what selection is in another cell's text dropdown. Example Dropdown choices.. Bob, Bill, Ben.. Cell A1 In Cell A2 I want to show '1', '2' or '3', depending on the A1 selection. I've been trying to use IF statements, but can only get…
How do I use a countif formula to count the number of various priorities?
I have a column for priority which returns symbols. Exclamation = high, dash = medium, and down arrow = low. I have tried various formulas and nothing is working. I basically want to know the amount of highs, mediums, and lows in my sheet. Help please! Thanks, Dacey