Need help for a formula
Hello everyone, I am pretty new to smartsheet so thanks in advance for your help. I am creating budget template sheet, and I have a BUDGET COST column, an ACTUAL COST column and a DIFFERENCE column. When my actual cost column is blank, the difference automatically calculated like if it's at 0. Let's say I have an estimated…
Using Addition and Multiplication in the Same Formula?
Hello everyone, I am trying to calculate an amount based upon the sum of two numbers. If you look at my screenshot, the highlighted Hotel and Transportation budget amounts are based upon the # of Days Onsite plus # of Travel Days. I need the system to be able to add those two numbers together and then multiply it by the…
New User Help - formulas and ranges
Hi, I'll try to describe in detail what I want to do and would appreciate any help you can provide. I have a range of cells that show Red,Yellow or Green Balls and this is used to check the status of each stage in a project. I would like to also have a cell at the top level of the project that displays RED if there are any…
Numbers importing as Scientific Notation
I am working with PO#'s in a smart sheet and joining this data with a SQL database to combine a few tables. I use a visualization program called DOMO that I use to import the smart sheet data and the SQL data and join within the program to make one dataset. The problem I am having is when I import the smartsheet the…
Calculating total hours worked in a shift
I'm trying to create a weekly work schedule for all of the employees at our company, so that we can see the start and end of shift and total hours worked per day and per week for each employee. I contacted the Smartsheet team only to find out that Smartsheet doesn't currently support time based formulas (which is such a a…
Calculate Total Number of Dates within a Month per Department
Hello, I am a total newbie with SmartSheet and on the struggle bus with this calculation quest. Here is what I am trying to do: I have a sheet entitled 'ES Monitoring' that each department needs to fill in at least daily to track safety behaviors within their department. The columns in this sheet that I want to summarize…
Ability for Forms to Add totals within the form
Is there a way to have a form add a total? For example - we are building a form for potential exhibitors to apply to have a space at an event. On top of their booth space fee, they have the option to add on additional items. We would love for a way on the form to show what their total fee (booth space fee + add on's) would…
Formula Help
Hello, Looking for a little quick assistance. Not sure why I can figure this out, but I guess I'm just not as intuitive with the SmartSheet logic. I have a metrics sheet that I am using to provide data from other sheets to populate a dashboard. I currently have this formula and similar formulas that pull data within a…
Count rows by % Completed?
Is there a way to count rows by % completed. For example, how many items are greater than 50% completed? I'm getting UNPARSEALBE I tried a formula like this (but also tried converting % into decimals.... =COUNTIF([% Completel]:[% Complete], >50%) Note: also see that the % completed column is part of the Project Properties.
Can you auto-replicate rows in a sheet based on a cell value?
We're putting together a Proof of Concept for our project management team. We're "this close" to being able to replicate all the functionality they need. But, we're stumbling on one item. They would like Smartsheet to automatically replicate a row when the value in one of the cells is set a certain way. Specifically,…