Use a form to lookup sheet data that and add content to it
Hello, I have read the forms with the “VLOOKUP” and “LOOKUP” functions. I am new to smart sheet, but not to excel formulas. I have an associate inspecting carts for wear and tear items, this is working well with check boxes and the photo attachment is awesome to have. Next step is the associate that repairs the cart, I…
Counting criteria in two columns
I want to count how many times "Monday May 14, 2018 5:30-7:30 pm" show up in column A and how many times 1 show up in the same row in column B This is what I have but it is not working properly: =COUNTIFS([Date of Class]:[Date of Class], "Monday May 14, 2018 5:30-7:30 pm", replace:replace, "1") Thanks in advance
Numbers and Text in the Same row/Column
I have some writing that is not showing in a row/column when I have a formula to say so. Is there a way to get this to populate with both? Here is the formula that works: =IF([project name]14 = "", "", IF([PanAm proposal needed by]14 = "", JOIN("it's been ", TODAY() - [quote request by customer]14, " days"), IF([PanAm…
Impact with Urgency equals Priority
Hi, I am looking into utilizing a ITIL related priority matrix approach to populate a Priority. The Priority levels column's cell would have values P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. The formula needed in the Priority column would output an appropriate priority level based on specified combination of values from two other columns: Impact…
RYG Change Based on Moving Variable
Hi, all. I was looking to write a formula that would change a RYG based on if the project was still on track for the determined amount of time. It would start green and if the project was projecting as running longer than anticipated would change to yellow and then red when it went over a further threshold(of say %7 of the…
Automated RYG ball issues
I have a sheet where I am using red, yellow, green and gray balls to indicate project health. If the project is complete, the ball is gray. If the due-date is within the next 14 days, yellow. If due-date is today or in the past, red, and everything else green. I must have something wrong somewhere, because the red isn't…
Index Match with some data returning as Invalid Data Type
I'm using an Index match to pull a certain number. In this column I will get a successful return of a few number then the Error then more correct numbers. Thing is, they are all pulling from the same data set (from an API), and using the same parameters and search values. Why am I getting the Invalid Data Type error?
Created (date) format in formuals
When using the COUNTIFS formula and referencing the created (date) column in another sheet, what date / time format do I need to use when including a specific date as criterion?
I have a formula that is working in most of the cells. However the number is not showing and the formula is in the cell. I am not sure as to why it is not showing up with a value. Here is a copy of the formula. =IF([project name]1 = "", "", IF([PanAm proposal needed by]1 = "", JOIN("it's been ", TODAY() - [quote request by…
Open-ended column on another sheet
I am using SUM referencing a column on another sheet and I want to get that column to be Open-Ended (so that when new rows are added to the other sheet, they will be automatically be in the new total on my sheet). Details: I am adding Hours from a time card sheet. When I stay on the that time-card sheet, Open-ended is easy…